It sounds like they are still going to have R-rated movies, such as Jonah Hex, just not ones they think will sell to young teenagers (superhero flicks, Terminator).

Given that they said Jonah Hex will be R I doubt they're going to make all their horror movies PG13.

More to the point about WB having their head up their ass:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Not that it's a superhero film, but it is a genre tentpole, Terminator Salvation, PG-13 or R? WB wants PG-13, director McG wants R just like the originals. McG was outspoken about the ratings debacle at WonderCon 2009 who said he wants the Moon Bloodgood in the rain topless scene kept in the film. WB wants it nixed to comply with the PG-13 guidelines.

In other words, WB thinks showing this woman topless

...would HURT ticket sales?
