big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place! Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me "I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...
Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
Maybe he missed Ben, and Ben was just smart enough to play dead.
BTW the title of the season finale is "The Incident"
i think ben was shot, and killed. but then later came back to life.
fast forward 27 years, he did the same thing to locke, to test to see if he was the new "island leader guy". (i.e; yet another way where ben looks like he's evil, but could likely turn out to have been the good guy all along)
Maybe he missed Ben, and Ben was just smart enough to play dead.
BTW the title of the season finale is "The Incident"
i think ben was shot, and killed. but then later came back to life.
fast forward 27 years, he did the same thing to locke, to test to see if he was the new "island leader guy". (i.e; yet another way where ben looks like he's evil, but could likely turn out to have been the good guy all along)
Locke didn't die because he was missing a kidney. If he had the kidney he would have died.
The last four or five episodes of season 3 are the ones that tie into what's happening now.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
Another theory I read was that the bullet didn't kill Ben but injured his spine in a way that would give him the tumor that Jack later had to remove. It doesn't explain why Ben doesn't know who these guys are in the present or he's really good at lying.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
Locke didn't die because he was missing a kidney. If he had the kidney he would have died.
that'd be a neato tie-in, but i don't think that's (the only reason) why he didn't die. locke regained the ability to walk on the island, had his shattered legs heal super quickly more than once, and came back to life in an even more dramatic fashion in the second plane crash.
That makes sense as well but I remember when he got shot I was still clinging onto the thought of the show not doing anything impossible.
well that idea is shot to hell. smoke monster, time travel, returning from the dead, etc.
at least it all "makes sense" within the logic of the show. the place rose visited in australia told of areas on the planet that heal supernaturally, and clearly several individuals have benefited from that on the island (rose, locke, ben, etc).
Has Ben ever shown any signs of healing? I think Ben is the one person who doesn't belong on the island but is always manipulating everyone to stay there or get back.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
he has before, which is why it was a big deal (and startling to him) that he couldn't heal his spinal injury, and needed jack instead.
even recently, when he was back on the island running through the jungle with sun, he was able to take off his arm cast that he wore on the plane, as his arm was (apparently) fixed now
Sayid didn't change anything. Whatever happened, happened. The only one who can change time is Desmond.
Sayid was one of the first ones to meet Ben (I can't remember who found him in the parachute... was it him?). It'd be interesting to watch that scene again and see if he drops any clues.
HEY, the guy Hurley learned the numbers from at the loony bin (he repeated them over and over) was probably someone from the island. Could it be Radsinzki?
Radisnky was the first button pusher that we know of. All of this will be explained in the season finale. Or at least that's what I think. After listening to the new Lost podcast I do think that Ben will live and Sayid shooting him is what made him really evil.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
i can't believe that chick at the bar was the same one who was with sayid in the airport. she cleans up nice!
See HBO's Rome. Now.
Yes. Absolutely this. Super-naked-sex! She's h-o-t. And an evil bitch.
Kid-Ben's not dead. The island will save him, adding the details of the spinal injury he'll need surgery for.
Also, I haven't read up on the thread, but has anyone figured out why Ben looks fucked-up when he goes back to the island? When we first seem him bloody and hurt, he's calling Jack from a marina or pier-side phone. My money is that he went and killed Penny and Desmond's baby (on their boat) as revenge on Widmore for his own daughter. Which means Desmond will come back to the island and kill him some Ben Linus...
i can't believe that chick at the bar was the same one who was with sayid in the airport. she cleans up nice!
See HBO's Rome. Now.
Yes. Absolutely this. Super-naked-sex! She's h-o-t. And an evil bitch.
Kid-Ben's not dead. The island will save him, adding the details of the spinal injury he'll need surgery for.
Also, I haven't read up on the thread, but has anyone figured out why Ben looks fucked-up when he goes back to the island? When we first seem him bloody and hurt, he's calling Jack from a marina or pier-side phone. My money is that he went and killed Penny and Desmond's baby (on their boat) as revenge on Widmore for his own daughter. Which means Desmond will come back to the island and kill him some Ben Linus...
I have a feeling you're right or at least that he tried to kill her. Either way, I think that's precisely what will bring Desmond back to the island.
Which is sad, because that's one of the two couples I wanted a 'Happy Ending' for ...
"The Constant" and Desmond reuniting with Penny should have been the end of their arc. If she's dead that would really shit on one of the best eps of the series.
Which is sad, because that's one of the two couples I wanted a 'Happy Ending' for ...
"The Constant" and Desmond reuniting with Penny should have been the end of their arc. If she's dead that would really shit on one of the best eps of the series.
It would be a nice surprise if they gave them a happy ending. Can't say I cared much for Desmond until they developed his relationship with Penny.
Why. We had that episode. They can't change that they were happy together for the time they were.
Because the point they were getting at was that she was his "constant." From a thematic standpoint that implies (as did later eps that season) that they were destinied for "happily ever after."
in the vein of connecting old episodes to new stuff...
here's a fun ole scene that ...i guess... ties into everything that's happening now. in it, horace gets a nose bleed, which could be from a time-flash type thing, or from the gas ben used to kill everyone which also produced nosebleeds. says he died 12 years ago, from 2004, so the dharma initiative was around until 1992 or so? then ben takes over, leads the others, keeps around some from dharma, and has a grand ole time. or something.
Sayid didn't change anything. Whatever happened, happened. The only one who can change time is Desmond.
Sayid was one of the first ones to meet Ben (I can't remember who found him in the parachute... was it him?). It'd be interesting to watch that scene again and see if he drops any clues.
Yeah, Sayid was the one who found Ben. Sayid was with Rousseau at the time.