(Note: I'm "You")
Stranger: hello
You: paul?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: how did you know
You: this is megan, are you the paul I was talking to?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i mean yes
You: oh ok sorry
You: what?
Stranger: megan
Stranger: is that you
You: are you serious?
Stranger: are you?
You: paul is that you?
Stranger: yes megan my long lost love
Stranger: it is me
You: what happened??
Stranger: paul
You: why did you disconnect??
Stranger: my router messed up
Stranger: i had to reset it
You: oh my god hahahaha
You: i was so worried!
Stranger: its ok im back
You: i've been looking for like 10 minutes
Stranger: this was like my 3rd try
You: i swear I was about to call the cops
You: wow!
You: hahahaha
You: oh god


You: so what happened??
You: was it just a cat?
Stranger: i won
Stranger: yeah
You: thats a relief
You: you closed anyway right?
Stranger: youre telling me
You: did you?
Stranger: yeah
You: good

You: i was really worried about you
You: but i didn't wanna call the number at this hour
Stranger: thank you
You: if you didnt pick up i swear
You: i was gonna call the cops
Stranger: wait
Stranger: did you say paul
Stranger: my name is sau
You: i dont even know where you live
Stranger: saul
You: haha
You: so when can we talk?
Stranger: NOW
You: really??
Stranger: sure
You: ok I'll call
You: :))))))
Stranger: otay
Stranger: your voice is as beautiful as the heavens themselves
You: pick up
You: what?
Stranger: i mean
You: lol pick up already
Stranger: sorry im on the phone with mallory
You: who's mallory?
Stranger: my ex
You: at this hour??
Stranger: uh
Stranger: yeah
You: didn't you say your ex was stephanie or something?
You: should I bother calling again or not?
Stranger: i dont just have one ex

you said you did....
Stranger: maybe tommorow its kinda late
You: oh ok
You: not too late for mallory i guess

Stranger: never too late for mallory

You: are you ashamed to pick up?
Stranger: FAIL
You: I swear I'll make it worth it
You: look
You: just pick up so I stop worrying
Stranger: oooh i love phone sex
You: cause part of me still doesn't believe you're you
Stranger: how did you find out about this site?
You: i don't know, someone told me
You: paul
You: are you you?
Stranger: i am me
Stranger: Saul
You: ok then I'll call again
You: and you'll pick up the phone
You: ok?
Stranger: but
Stranger: but
You: ok?
Stranger: mallory...
Stranger: she has huge knockers
You: you're not talking to mallory and chatting!
You: at the same time!
You: that's crazy
Stranger: YES I AM
You: lol no you're not
Stranger: i totally iz
You: i just want to hear you tell me that you're okay
Stranger: im okay
You: your voice
Stranger: are you on a pc or mac?
You: pc
You: but you know that

Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you just told me
You: then why did you ask?
Stranger: i cant haz a question
Stranger: I AM SAUL!!!!!!
You: oh god
You: you're not him you evil idiot
You: i should have called them 20 minutes ago you fucking asshole
You: fuck you
You: fuck you
Stranger: Im sorry
Stranger: you should call them
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: what happened to paul?
You have disconnected.