Stranger: hi!
You: HIYA!
You: i know karate
Stranger: what's the silliest thing you've heard on this site?
You: P/B
You: i don't understand it
You: plus
You: this is the third conversation I ever had
You: WOT ABOOT YOU?!?!?!
Stranger: i hope you've been lucky enough to have an actual cnversation
You: yes
You: one
You: or...
You: were you answerign
You: answering
Stranger: lol someone pretended to be working for the site and said that i was banned lol
You: oh
You: yeah, um
You: you're banned
Stranger: lol
Stranger: oh shit!
Stranger: lmao
You: so...
Stranger: how'd you learn about this site?
You: you know what P/B is?
You: um
Stranger: no
You: some dilweed linked it
Stranger: sry
Stranger: lol kk
You: and it is fun
Stranger: ya
You: you're a girl aintcha
Stranger: maybe

You: you type like a girl
You: it is okay
You: I am also a girl
Stranger: lol cool
You: what is the strangest thing you ever got on here?
You: oh wait
You: you said banned
You: damn
You: um
You: ...
You: I made cookies
Stranger: YAY!
Stranger: what kind?
You: ginger
You: like soft ginger snaps
You: they is liek CRACK
You: I mail them to my friends
Stranger: I liek cookies!!!
You: so they don't hate me
You: cookies is awesome
You: one of my friends
You: I sent her 3 dozen
You: and she did not share even ONE
You: not with her SISTER
You: they are that good
Stranger: she must realllllly like you now!
Stranger: lol
You: Yeah I hope so!
Stranger: I can has recipe???
You: I'm trying to convince her to be a dyke for me.
You: it would be hard to type out here
Stranger: kk

You: it is ginger snaps
You: but with twice the crisco
Stranger: Ohhhh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.