Originally Posted By: PCG342
So. I moved into an apartment complex recently. Heard some shouting and ignored it tonight. Then two guys came outside and I heard a loud "THUD!" on the patio outside my door. My stupid ass grabs my cell phone and looks outside. One guy had shoved the other down and had a knife. Upon seeing the knife, I grab the trusty 12-gauge by my door. So, I panicked. I was still inside my apartment, door ajar. I hadn't done anything wrong.
But then the guy on the ground gets up and tries grabbing the gun. Thankfully, the chamber was empty, the breech open, and my hand wrapped around the magazine tube in front of the forearm. In other words, he'd have to break my hand in order to chamber a shell, and even if he did, he'd have to cycle the action once again to actually chamber a round. I struggled with the fuckhead INSIDE MY APARTMENT for about five minutes before the cops show. Turns out fuckhead with knife sells pot, and fuckhead in my apartment tried stealing his pot. And fuckhead with shotgun basically gave up on trying to quit smoking for a night.
It's now 6 AM and the adrenaline rush has finally begun to subside. Too bad I need to go to work in 2 hours.

Wow dude.

You really want to be killed by your own firearm.