You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiya
You: im so weary
Stranger: right?!
You: will you tell me a story?
Stranger: once aupon a time
You: can we skip to the good bit?
Stranger: there was an internet chatting site that allowed you to open up as completely as you wanted to a complete stranger and as soon as you got bored you could skip to the next stranger.... the end
Stranger: or i could go for a dirtier approach
You: There was no good bit
You: yeah

You: you can talk dirty at me
Stranger: m or f?
You: does it matter?
Stranger: i
Stranger: ll
Stranger: know which way to take the story

You: well, I'm game for either
Stranger: hmmmm
Stranger: that means.... gurl?
You: sure!
Stranger: psshhh
Stranger: well 'm a girl and guys are my favorite play things

You: Well that's okay
You: I'm a guy
You: really
Stranger: yay
You: so, um
You: should I start?
Stranger: story time?
You: YES!!!
Stranger: yes please
You: oh
You: um
Stranger: we can even do the 2 word game
You: what are you wearing?
You: 2 word game?
Stranger: that's 4 words
You: I am unfamiliar
Stranger: you say 2 words and then i say two
Stranger: we keep going and it creates a story
You: okay babe
Stranger: like
Stranger: once upon
You: a midnight
Stranger: dream, the
You: biggest penis
Stranger: found his
You: other penis
Stranger: who was
You: a big
Stranger: fat chode
You: dickhead asshole
Stranger: period. --> there also
You: where are
Stranger: the condoms
You: my mouth
You: suck them out
Stranger: likes your
You: pussy lips
Stranger: which LOVE
Stranger: your member
You: more penis
You: this is slow
You: there is little to say in two words
Stranger: and your fingers which trace its soft skin and excite the young girl beyond beleif
You: so you aren't wearing anything!
You: good
You: me neither
Stranger: haaha
Stranger: bra and booty shorts
Stranger: have to leave something to the imagination
You: well, I'm wearing shoes
Stranger: odd
You: and glasses
You: I hope you like nerdy guys
You: but nothing else
Stranger: what's are age diff? that could make it even more exciting...
You: my dick keeps my legs warm
Stranger: i love nerds
Stranger: clark kent is my kinda guy
You: because it is so big
Stranger: screw superman
You: do you like being the little girl
You: or the older woman?
Stranger: mmm a 3rd leg, eh?
You: yes
Stranger: it depends on how old you are
Stranger: my birthday was on thursday which makes me......
You: and my nuts are heavy like a peach
Stranger: i miss the feel of bakks in my mouth
You: that is a strange age!
You: I thought people usually used numbers!
Stranger: you first honey
You: okay sugar pop
You: im 34
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: i had a love affair with a married 36 year old
You: how old are you, punkin pie?
Stranger: nothing physical since he was my teacher but still
Stranger: 19
You: oh a daddy girl!
Stranger: still frsh
Stranger: hahaha
You: sit on uncle nasty's lap, baby!
Stranger: i can't wait to not grow up
Stranger: mmmmkay

You: my little Lolita...
You: describe yourself
Stranger: will you be wearing your glasses and no pants?
You: yes
You: glasses
You: and sneakers
Stranger: dark brown hair
You: how long?
Stranger: quite past my shoulders
You: nice
Stranger: slightly curly
You: and how you keep the carpet?
Stranger: bright but brown eyes
Stranger: trimmed
You: I could eat them up your eyes
You: so pretty
You: I brush your hair from them
Stranger: the underside is smooth and soft
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: good

You: used to be wrinkled
You: until you sat on it
You: wink wink
Stranger: i like the effect i have on men

You: so does little Uncle nasty
You: or...
Stranger: not so little
You: yes
Stranger: jinx
Stranger: haha
You: you can tell
Stranger: mhm
Stranger: are you alone?
You: oh, don't eat it yet!
You: always
You: my glasses are fogging

sorry about that
You: I own my own home
Stranger: but at least i have you all to myself
You: it is okay
You: i don't bring girls here
You: I go to them
Stranger: what kind of glasses?
You: black rimmed
Stranger: mmmm
Stranger: square or round?
You: sort-of square
Stranger: eeeee!
Stranger: good
You: I used to have round
Stranger: i love those
You: oh good!
Stranger: haha
You: look!
Stranger: what kind of chair do i have you in?
You: leather recliner
Stranger: mmmm the bigger the bette
Stranger: r
You: you can sit with me
You: we have room for two
Stranger: we only need room on top
You: if you move the pizza box
Stranger: side to side can wait for later
You: oh, kinky!!
Stranger: i had pizza today too

You: Saturday is a good pizza day
Stranger: mh
Stranger: mmhhmmmm
You: oh
Stranger: any background noise?
You: just some Elvis costello
You: on the record player
Stranger: ooh yeah
Stranger: i adore records
You: i thought you might
You: it plugs into my CPU
Stranger: i have frank sinatra and radiohead and the beatles as well as sooo many others
You: for power
You: nice
Stranger: i just love the sound
You: I have three other record players
You: my hobby is fixing them up
Stranger: i only own the two
Stranger: those and my jukebox

You: do you ever rub on the juke?
You: you could slow-hump it for me
Stranger: it's in the corner of the room but the leather recliner next to it has some dirty memories from me and my ex
You: lets not discuss him
Stranger: i agree
You: lets talk about you
Stranger: let discuss me
Stranger: on you
You: with your long
You: curly
You: brown hair
You: and deep brown eyes
You: looking up at me
Stranger: from where
You: as your naked lips
You: part
You: and exhale softly
You: on my wet clit
You: FUCK!
Stranger: hahahaha
You: LOL!
Stranger: niiice
You: gotcha there silly!
Stranger: pffff hahahahahhaa
You: hee hee hee!
Stranger: oh you!!!
Stranger: :D
You: oh you!
You: I do fix up record players tho
You: and do have the glasses
You: and shoes
You: and nothing else
Stranger: really? you have shoes?!?!!?
You: YES!
Stranger: hahaah
Stranger: good
You: they help me walk
Stranger: are you still a guy or are we both chicks up inhere
Stranger: haha
You: um...
You: well
You: honestly?
Stranger: shemale?
You: no
You: female
Stranger: dirtygirl
You: panromantic asexual genderqueer
You: I'm just having fun
Stranger: i like fun
You: ME TOO!
You: we should get married!
Stranger: bicuriousness make the world go round
Stranger: totally
You: well
You: less bi-curious
You: more into anyone
You: trans
You: intersexed
You: queer
You: male
You: female
Stranger: except i'm not exactly the marrying type
You: it's okay
You: gay weddings are taboo
Stranger: we'll still play
Stranger: psh
You: we'd get lynched here in TX
Stranger: taboo shmaboo
Stranger: my sister is gay
You: lol!
Stranger: oohhhh
You: my three sisters are married with kids!
Stranger: i live in california in the bay area
Stranger: next year i'm going to school in SF
You: I actually live in CO
You: it's hard to stop lying cold turkey
Stranger: you little big liar, you
Stranger: hahaa
You: yeah
Stranger: that's okay
Stranger: that is what this site is made for
You: I had such a nice character !
Stranger: feel free
You: im 25 btw
Stranger: right?
Stranger: i'm 18
You: oh my!
Stranger: my sis is 30
You: skating on the edge of getting me in trouble!
Stranger: my other sister (stright) is 27
You: Chris Haaaansen
Stranger: hhahahah
You: you naughty little thing!
You: *spanks*
You: with a daddy fetish!
You: hee hee hee!
Stranger: well i'm now officailly legal so it's all good
You: yes
Stranger: my ex is 22
You: not 32?
You: man
Stranger: and we dated just this past summerinto november
You: when you break up?
You: oh
You: I'm sorry
Stranger: like a month ago
Stranger: it's okay
Stranger: he lives in indiana
You: I recently got dumped
You: that's a long distance thing there!
Stranger: so we didn't see each other like ever and we didn't talk much either
Stranger: you got dumped???
You: yeah
Stranger: aww
Stranger: what happened
Stranger: ?
You: she likes sex
You: I don't
You: (asexual)
Stranger: right
You: we couldn't work it out
Stranger: i love sex
Stranger: poor thing
You: the biggest problem though
You: was that she wanted sex with a dude
You: so...
Stranger: mmmmmm
You: *sigh*
Stranger: problemo
Stranger: soory
You: is okay
Stranger: if it is the truth than i really am sorry
You: it mostly is
You: I left some bits out
Stranger: liiike?
You: um
You: well, she was also with this guy
You: when we were together
You: but she dumped him
You: a few months before me
Stranger: was she cheating on you or were you the other woma?
Stranger: ooooh
You: we kinda were open
Stranger: mm
You: I figured she needed sex
You: I really don't like it much
Stranger: why not?
You: but then she got romantically into this guy
You: asexual
You: *shrug*
Stranger: i would love to know why?
You: not something I want
Stranger: i am a psych major so i like hearing reasons
You: some ppl don't like males sexually
You: some ppl don't like females sexually
Stranger: and women?
You: I don't like either
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: hmm
You: it isn't anything big
Stranger: i have a guy friend who is sorta like that
You: just that I feel no sexual attraction
You: sex is... boring to me
You: I mean
You: I can GET there
Stranger: that must be hard for your relationshipd
Stranger: s*
You: yes
You: I try to be considerate
Stranger: sure but why take the uncomfortable journey if you don't want to?
You: that's why I like women
You: it isn't so much to pleasure them
Stranger: because they think with their brain and not their pants?
You: no need to be penetrated
You: no
Stranger: mmmhhmm
You: *I* have less involvement
You: with men
You: sometimes they want and my body isn't... ready?
You: it kinda hurts to fuck dry
You: if you follow
You: lube only does so much
Stranger: right
Stranger: right
You: so ...right now I tend to gravitate to the more feminine people
You: but
You: I'm getting into narcissism!
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: niiice
Your conversational partner has disconnected.