then there's the theories that "horace", the current others leader, is a play on words for "horus".
Whu? Have we seen Horace in the present? With the others?
bah, i meant "current" in the "shows we're watching now" type way. the dharma of 1974/1977. the only other eras in which we've seen horace are when ben was born (circa 1964?) and when locke saw ghost-horace on the island (in 2004)
I think SOMEONE in the plane must be working for Widmore. That's why he wanted to help Locke get back to the island: he wants to find out where it is now. I thought it was Cesar, but it looks like he's dead. So maybe it's the cop girl and that other guy.
the bounty hunter chick was hired by family of the man sayid shot on the golf course, and because sayid was hunting widmore's guys, there could be a connection there. and ben's whereabouts during the second plane crash are still unaccounted for, in a potential lost-like plot twist.
run when you hear the whispers!!!