Man....the cast of LOST sure have some parental issues, don't they? So, that's what happened to Daniel Faraday. Right. Bye Daniel! Enjoyed it.
Nice tie with Miles and Dr. Wang. I like that LOST is following my own personal view on time travel, in as far as how I enjoy it being presented in fiction. That being, whatever happened, happened. For example, I know that I will never go back and meet my ten-year-old self, because I never did. I don't remember ever meeting myself, therefore I will never do it. Time is constant.

Is anyone else getting the vibe that there's a third group, besides Ben and Widmore, that are interested in the island? The people that picked up Miles in the van say the same phrase that ROME-chick did to Lapidus, back on the beach, right before they knocked his ass out: "What lies in the shadow of the temple?" (which could mean, what lays on the ground in the shadow of the temple, OR, what object/person/being tells lies in the shadow of the temple)
If they were Widmore's group, they wouldn't have been trying to talk him out of it. If they were Ben's group, why the subterfuge around Ben himself, and the taking of Lapidus?
I think there's another group at work here.
Oh, and Jack and Kate are still the two most uninteresting characters on this show. Thanks.