Seriously, though, it's a good popcorn flick. Great attention to detail, ILM effects, fun action that doesn't take itself too seriously. I really had a good time. Worth seeing on the big screen for the space shots and all...
Funny, cause isnt that most of the stuff you hated about Wolverine?
Nope. I hate Wolverine because it took seventeen different source materials and tried to cram them all together with the almighty and repetitive Cliche as a foundation, while at the same time neutering the once-feared and awesome Wolverine into a "misunderstood nice guy with a gruff heart of gold". It was superhero cartoon.
Star Trek is based on Star Trek, and is Star Trek. There's no comparison.
I suggest you check out the new Trek movie. It's good stuff!
And there was me thinking it was a new reimagining of Star Trek.
And no, I will not check it out because I dont fucking like Star Trek.
If its Star Trek is Star Trek is Star Trek, how on Earth will I like it being that I hate Star Trek?
If you are saying I will like it cause its not like Star Trek, then you have contradicted your initial statement!