Originally Posted By: allan1
I caught the late showing last night.Theater was full bu not overcrowded and I was able to actually sit back and enjoy the movie.It was really good and I enjoyed it.I thought everyone turned in solid performances and Chris Pine did a fine job as Kirk without being too Shatnery)but you could see some lines delivered with a Shat-feel too 'em).Quinto as Spock was excellent and Pegg as Scotty was brilliant.However,I do see where some of the purists will go apeshit over what the new reality is now set as for the series and can't wait to see the lamentation.I was right in saying before that this a reboot of the series because it's continuity is now it's own and cannot follow the previous one.Whether this turns out to be a good thing or not remains to be seen but I don't really care too much because I just liked seeing a good Trek movie.

Bana's Nero was paper-thin, I have to say. Other than that, I'm damn good with this movie. I think Karl Urban wins the award for this one, though. At the same time, seeing Sulu actually kick some ass for once was awesome!

I've been reading other scifi boards to get a feel for the fandom reaction. About 98% of Trek fans seems to be loving this movie, while the other 2% are writhing in their "Shatnerverse Only!" bile, hating how successful and mainstream this movie makes Trek. The Onion's report seems to actually be accurate, concerning that small faction of extremists.

Also, JJ's got some balls on him to make the "big changes" like he did in this movie. Removing an entire planet from play, and also bringing a romantic subplot to the surface that may have always been there. That takes guts when messing with the Holy Bible of Geekdom...