I realize that people like this guy are part of the reason I hate Trek as much as I do. So I asks ya, Pro, is it the articles that give Star Trek fans a bad name, or is it Star Trek fans that give Star Trek fans a bad name?
But to be fair, doesn't every single genre franchise have fans like that?
I'll move it past just film/TV/book genres. I can't tell you how many times I've had some old bastard tell me how different the game of baseball/football/basketball/hittin' rex's mom's cooter was different in their day. Or how great such and such batter/pitcher/center/quarterback/rex's mom's cooter was better back then than what's out there now. Some people need to latch onto things to keep from having to deal with reality and take that shit way too far and make life miserable for everyone else they come in contact with. "Hey, guy, I know that you think it brings the team luck to wear the same fucking clothes at every game without washing them... but we're close to the end of the season, and my eyes are watering and vomit is building up in the back of my throat."