Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Also, did you notice the Kal Penn cameo?

What? No! Where was he?! \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I think he copied Shatner's actual ego very well.

Totally! Especially the Kobiyashi Maru test. Ha!

Pegg was also great as Scotty.

Yeah, when he said that line "I don't want to take sides..." during the Spock/Kirk argument...and that smile...he was literally James Doohan at that moment. It was awesome.

Quinto (?) was a decent Spock.

The only two things that Quinto is missing to be the perfect Spock is the "genetic dignity" that Leonard Nimoy naturally exudes, and his smoking-voice. Quinto doesn't sound "black enough" to really be Spock.

Bana still sucks balls. Everyone else was good.


I actually think the Star Trek and going back to the original crew made the movie campier than it should have been.

You lost me. What parts were "campy", besides the overt humor?

I also loved that there was some Beastie Boys instead of the usual pretentious Trekisms.

Yes! I never thought I would be able to say the phrase, "Man, I loved that Beastie Boys song in the new Star Trek movie!" \:lol\: It was a nice, needed change of pace for the franchise.

Hopefully, it's only uphill from here...