Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
3 or four glasses of spirits, spread out over a "long" night, are not enought to even make a normal human a bit merry, let alone drunk (unless you have the constitution of a 5 year old).

If you drank soft drinks and water in between those 3 or 4 glasses, then there is even less of a reason for you to be drunk.

Fuck, you really are a weak person.

Only way 3 or 4 glasses of rum or whiskey etc would make me drunk, is if I did my old trick of drinking them within 20 minutes, and I dont even drink regularly!

American liquor is stronger than that watered down swill you're used to, I'm sure.

You do know European alcohol is stronger than US alcohol as it has a higher %vol?