Mr Perfect Curt Hennig deserved a much better DVD then this.

I was really looking forward to this release, hoping to reminisce about late 80s/early 90s WWF and one of its top stars at the time.

First of all, the documentary, whilst enjoyable, is only 70 minutes long! It barely scratches the surface of Hennigs career and the talking heads apart from Larry Hennig and his wife & Son, are pointless. Where was Shawn Michaels? They were both in the AWA and WWF together at the same time. The most interesting thing throughout the documentary, is the restoration of Wade Boggs hairline.

I really feel they could have gone into much more detail about both Hennigs AWA and WWF careers! It's not even mentioned that he retired Flair from the WWF!

But my biggest bone of contention are the matches! There's an interesting early WWF match between Hennig and the late Eddie Gilbert - this is from a tryout Hennig had with the WWF in the early 80s.

Another interesting Bout is Henning & Scott Hall Vs Steve Regal(not THE William Regal) and & Jimmy Garvin - it is notable for how unrecognisable Hall looks, 20 pounds of extra muscle, tight perm and Magnum moustache. It's also interesting to see Hennig do all the work and Hall just come in at the end - he must have been useless back then. I always found it disappointing that Hall didn't go further - he was a far better worker then Nash but got none of the glory he did!

Hennigs classic 60 minute draw with Nick Bockwinkel is next - great match, even by todays standards. Best Match of the whole DVD!

My thoughts on these tribute DVDs is that they should showcase their subject, so I can't understand the inclusion of the rest of these matches. In 1988/1989, to build Hennig up, they had him beat a lot of mid-carders - to my mind, Hennigs scraps with Bret Hart, Tito Santana and the Rockers(in singles matches) were the best thing WWF was putting out.

So, I was annoyed at seeing the Wrestlefest 88 bout with Terry Taylor and especially the 1989 MSG bout with Bret Hart. This is a Mr Perfect DVD, Hennig beat Hart countless times in 88/89 - why put this time limit draw?

Hennigs feud with Hogan had to be covered so I was both happy for this match to be included and it's result!

A Worthless match with Kerry Von Erich is next - why didn't they include the match were Perfect regained the Intercontinental title instead of this one?

Bret Harts IC win is next - second best match of the DVD and rightfully included! But why include this loss without including Perfects Intercontinental tournament win?

Shawn Michaels/Perfects Summerslam 93 crapfest is next - again why include this match when they had some great matches in the late 80s.

And finally a WCW Hart/Hennig match - crap.

There are so many matches they could have included so it beggars belief that they went with most of the matches included. I would have included Hennigs first IC TV defence with Tito Santana on Saturday Nights Main Event.

How he won the Title in the tournament - his 2 wins and elimination of main competition Brutus Beefcake.

Regaining the title from Kerry Von Erich.

Perfect/Randy Savage Vs Flair/Razor Ramon(Scott Hall)

Perfect forcing Ric Flair to leave WWF on RAW.

Also, Perfect was known as a prankster, I think they could have gone into more details of some of his pranks - there's a classic Ultimate Warrior story.

Hopefully they will do another DVD with a better choice of matches.


Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!