Originally Posted By: Juche
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Easy. The reoccupation of the Rhineland by Hitler in violation of the Versailles treaty. Try again.

That wasn't enough reason for war. They didn't really want to go to war because they were simply not prepared and it wasn't seen as a huge threat, so they gave Germany the benefit ot the doubt. Their allies France had a strong military on paper, but in reality were very war weary and avoiding a military conflict with Germany at all cost so Britain would've been alone.

You're making our point for us. Letting your enemy know that you will avoid military conflict at all cost takes away your leverage. Just as they are doinf today. That is why Iran, North Korea and Chavez have ramped up more than their rhetoric.

Look youre a liberal tool, we accept that, but from now on quit making arguments that support our stance it makes this less fun.