Originally Posted By: iggy
Juche, you are missing the point. It would've been an entirely different situation had the allies been proactive in confronting Hitler when he was breaking all the treaty provisions. He didn't have the military capabilities that he had by the time '39 rolled around. They could've just marched in from France. Put Hitler in his place. And, roll out. Pretty much, they just should have listened to Churchill.

Instead, they took the Obama route and believed they could dialogue with Hitler. They made concessions that made them look weaker each time the capitulated to one of Hitler's demands. And, with each capitulation, Hitler got bolder and his war machine got larger & better equipped.

It wasn't that they couldn't. It was a simply that they were afraid to. Sure, they didn't want another WWI. But, because of their inaction, they got something worse. Hell, even if they had marched on Germany in September of '39 then they probably could have taken Hitler then since most of his forces were focused on Poland. Instead, they waited for over a year for Hitler to attack them in the so-called Phony War.

I'm not for just taking the proactive solution everytime. But, when it comes to down to the likes of people like Il getting The Bomb, there is no time for talking. There cannot be concessions made. There can only be the elimination of the threat.

You mean with or without France as an ally? Because the British infantry divisions really wouldn't stand a chance against Germany in 1936. And French weren't going to join them.

They did however honor their independence guaranteement of Poland when Germany invaded it in 1939. And they did attack Saarland then, with quite a numerical advance. However they didn't get very far and retreated again in their heavily defended maginot line, thinking they'd stop Germany without many problems if they were going to attack. However nobody knew of German's new blitzkrieg tactics yet, being able to attack from the weaker defended Belgian border and occupying Paris before they even realised it.

But what you're suggesting, is that we should be as afraid of Iran/North Korea now, as were were of Germany. But you can't compare these, the world is much more unified now, nothing like the devided world in the 30's.

The only reason Il has that bomb, is to make a fist against the overwhelming opposition they're facing in the world. They're not going to commit suicide by using it, they don't have any allies. Germany could get help from Italy, Japan and possibly even Brazil, Spain and the USSR if they wanted.