Its all well and good if you buy all the DVDs, or have bought those that have the matches on it you wanted, but if the match is on a DVD by a performer you dislike, then you could end up missing it because of that.
To WWEs credit, they will put real classics(Razor/HBGays first ladder match, the Tables/Ladders/Chairs matches with the Hardys, Edge, Christian and Dudleys) on a few different dvds!
Perfects IC loss to Hart is on few different dvds.
My main problem with the Perfect DVD is the lack of AWA matches - there's not been many released in the past so I don't see the problem there! The match Jaburg mentions is possibly on the Legion Of Doom DVD!
And, the lack of early WWE matches, his matches with a Rockers Shawn Michaels was superb! Plus in almost every feature match of the day, Perfect would be beating Santana!