Its all well and good if you buy all the DVDs, or have bought those that have the matches on it you wanted, but if the match is on a DVD by a performer you dislike, then you could end up missing it because of that.
To WWEs credit, they will put real classics(Razor/HBGays first ladder match, the Tables/Ladders/Chairs matches with the Hardys, Edge, Christian and Dudleys) on a few different dvds!
Perfects IC loss to Hart is on few different dvds.
My main problem with the Perfect DVD is the lack of AWA matches - there's not been many released in the past so I don't see the problem there! The match Jaburg mentions is possibly on the Legion Of Doom DVD!
And, the lack of early WWE matches, his matches with a Rockers Shawn Michaels was superb! Plus in almost every feature match of the day, Perfect would be beating Santana!
I think its good that they want to minimize repetition, as lets face it, if you buy a lot of these DVDs, you dont want the same match over and over again, but when its something that contains two (or more) wrestlers that are worthy of their own DVD, its a crime to miss it off of anyone elses if its that good a match.
If its a match against someone who is likely to never get their own DVD, then its not an issue, but if it involves some big names, then its gonna be annoying if its excluded from one persons DVD over another.
I think some matches just have to be included on both wrestlers DVDs or have to appear on a specialist DVD (like one devoted to TLC or cage matches for example).
I mean, if you include the Savage/Dragon WM3 match on the Savage DVD, how could they not include it on a Dragon DVD if they ever did one?