Originally Posted By: Juche
We can never know for sure what Hitler thought.

Yes we can. He wanted to invade. So he did.

But eh, have you ever heard about the cold war? Hundreds of nuclear weapons were used but not a single one got used, I wonder what makes you think that North Korea suddendly wants to use them on anyone.

Yeah, the problem here is that Russia wasn't run by idiots....Well, they were idiots, but they were calculated idiots and they had something to lose. North Korea is run by a truly insane dictator whose surrounded himself by an insane administration.

And the USA isn't going to invade Asia anymore because they learned from previous Asian land wars they should never try such a thing again, especially in Korea

I believe you mean Vietnam. That wars problems were very specialized. That is to say it wasn't a matter of us not being able to invade Vietnam. When simply went about it the wrong way.

In any event, topography is not going to sway us from war if we decide to saddle up for one.