Originally Posted By: iggy
His clear intention of wanting war with France and the USSR, rebuilding the Wehrmacht, violating term after term of the treaty your country is bound to, and threatening neighbors with invasion for supposed "atrocities" against the German people and then saying to those who could bitch slap you easily that this is all about fairness and peace does make a pretty solid argument that you ought to do something before this guy has the chance to do something really bad.

You're losing it now, he did not want war with France. And he also would have avoided war with the USSR if possible. Where are you getting your ideas from? From yourself?

And it was quite a bit more complicated than your talk about bitch slapping. The Great War was only 15 years ago, having caused over 9 million casualties for the Allies. They weren't exactly dying to jump into another war, and if they did so before 1938 they probably would find very little support by the population of their own countries.

So, according to Juche, a build up of a military and unambiguous statements of a desire to attack other nations are "inconclusive" evidence of a threat. According to the rest of the world it's a stated plan.

Their military build up was just fair, you really can't debate about this part. What were they going to do about it? Attack because of the militarization of Rheinland? They knew Hitler was dangerous of course, starting a war just isn't as easy as you describe, like I explained in previous posts.

Wow. I would like to see you support this idea that every German felt this way

Not literally of course, but almost every German felt that they had lost a war that they shouldn't have lost. Also take the Treaty of Versailles in account, which were very harsh. That adds up to feelings of revenge yes, I'm sure you would have felt the same way.