Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus

What's a normal meal for you? On an average day?

Bowl of cereal or bagel
peanut butter or turkey sandwich
soup or something light. It gets hot here and I'm not hungry at night.

What kind of cereal?

Are we talking Cheerios or are we talking Extra-Chocolate-Marshmellow Cookie Crisp Sugar Balls?

How many bowls, on average?

What kind of milk?

And you're saying you eat only a sandwich and something "light" for lunch and dinner every day? What's light? I can't see you eating soup if it's so hot outside you're not hungry.

What about snacks? Do you snack between the meals? What kind of snacks?

I'm asking specifics because your weight could very well come from UNDER-eating. If you're not getting the right amount of healthy daily caloric intake for your body size, your body thinks you're starving. If it thinks that, it begins hording fat cells to store for future survival. If that's the case, then you're actually gaining weight from not eating enough.