...They were amassing military power and allying themselves with the war-hungry Japanese.
There was no alliance untill 1940. There was just an Anti-Comintern pact between Germany and Japan. The UK, Italy, Nationalist China and Poland were also invited to join. It proved to be worthless too, since Japan didn't attack the Soviet Union.
You're honestly comparing the construction of the Wermacht to the military constructs within the UK, France, US, etc?
I think you're purposefully ignoring the political and social climate of Nazi Germany for the sake of shielding your struggling argument.
How do you call my argumenting struggling? Yours are mostly grabbed out of the air, please explain what the political and social climate had to do with this. And yes I compare these, the US didn't build up their military yet so I'm not mentioning them.
I'm pointing out a mass of entrenched enemies on an island death-trap just like you did with North Korea. Accept, unlike your assumption that America wouldn't invade something so dangerous, we actually did invade it.
You want a bigger land mass? Fine. Vietnam. Check and mate.
Yes, invaded Vietnam, and learned from it. Never again. The USA isn't going to interfere, they're going to let China do it, who'll probably do it well. It'll be over before you can ask yourself "where did that Chinese puppet regime come from?".
I never said that they were good at invading. I said that when push comes to shove, they will eventually invade whatever/wherever. As I already pointed out earlier (but you ignored my post to stay in your own little world), even if we didn't have the bomb, we still would have invaded.
See my argument above. ^
Oh yeah, that makes the fact that they were imprisoned for no reason and mysteriously secluded all better...
They were simply not welcome anymore, anti-semitism was very common In Europe at that time. Of course genocide was a bridge too far, but the Germans were good enough at influenting the public opinion that they'd find a nice place for the Jews to live. I believe Madagascar was one of the places targetted as a new Jewland.