You know what I meant, now focus on what I actually said instead of this shit.
This is exactly what you said:
And eh yes, countries invested much more in their military during these times.
Then you backpeddled.
I believe what I say sounds very logical. Controll over France was not one of their objectives before the war started.
prepared to go to war with France before invading Poland.
I know the Lebensraum concept, they wanted to expand into Poland. Not the complete continent.
They knew beforehand that they were going into France.
Obviously they didn't learn their lesson, because they invaded 20 years later indeed. I believe I said they learned their lesson from invading Asian territories, and that they won't again, especially in Korea.
That would be a mighty long "lesson." Midway, Iwo Jima, Korea, and Vietnam all took place over a span of 35 years. By your reasoning, we just would have dropped the bomb on Vietnam after knowing Japan would have cost more lives and that Korea was tough--but we didn't.
I imagine that if we fought an Asian war in the 90s, you'd still say "we learned out lesson."
They would if North Korea uses a nuke on their territory, but they won't so USA won't invade North Korea, ever. The penalty would be too high. At the moment China watches over North Korea, that's enough for them.
China has been unable to defend North Korea for awhile now. NK is its embarrassing wayward child.
And what citizens are you talking about? I really don't get that from your context.
Non-Jewish citizens didn't give a shit about Jewish citizens.