But the British signed a war guarantee with Poland, guaranteeing Britain would send troops to defend Poland if invaded by Germany, despite that it was a completely hollow guarantee and a bluff, with no ability by the British to back Poland with military action. And with a war guarantee, Poland refused any further attemps to peacefully negotiate even the most reasonable terms to resolve the Danzig and Corrisor issues.
Yep, most likely true. I didn’t want to go as far as saying Poland provoked the war, but let’s say they were very aware of their situation and the possible consequences of a German attack.
The right action would have been to let Germany invade Russia (as clearly envisioned in Mein Kampf, Hitler's goal of lebensraum, "living space", expansion east into Russia, and Hitler considered Communism the greatest threat to Germany, that had to be eliminated). As was inevitable, let the two brutal dictatorships clash as Stalin and Hitler both planned, let the two exhaust each other. The British and French democracies would have survived the war in the sidelines unscathed, and reaped the benefits of their enemies ceasing to be global players, or any further threat to them.
Even though he stated such things there, I’m not convinced Germany actually wanted the war. If he wasn’t so terrified by the thought of a possible Soviet attack, I don’t think he would have invaded, however this is purely hypothetical of course. However I’m convinced that the Soviet Union on the other hand, contrary to popular belief, would never have attacked Germany. Stalin was much too scared, he would have never taken such a risk.
Similarly, invading North Korea now would be a waste of men and resources and inefficient, while other methods exist to neutralize North Korea and its nuclear ambitions.
Japan and South Korea are the ones threatened by North Korea's nukes and million-man army, let them invade, if someone has to. They have huge economies, both, and can easily afford their own defense. Each has at least 40 times North Korea's economy and resources, more than enough to defend themselves.
Japan and South Korea can’t handle North Korea, especially Japan, didn’t the USA forbid them to take part in military action outside their own territory ever again in the 1945 treaty? Their action against the pirates in Somalian water a few months ago was already frowned upon.
Japan doesn't have the resources or the know-how to invade another country. At the end of WWII, their Western-drafted constitution stipulated that they weren't allowed more than 250,000 trained military, and their arsenal is meager. That always really bothered; we basically played UN and castrated Japan. And some days I think we should have let them have China for all the trouble it's causing us now.
Yup that’s true. What do you mean with ‘let them have China’ though?
I realize that the most likely scenario would be South Korea invading NK with waide from us (and perhaps Taiwan), but Juche's point is that America would never invade an Asian country, which is absolutely wrong.
Not within our, or our children’s lifetime I prospect.
I agree with most of what
Wonder Boy says about Eastern Europe, however in the later half of the 20th century the USA was regarded as the only nation powerful and influental enough to take part in such actions. Kind of like the British Empire did in the 19th century, as global peace keeper, although I would hardly give the US that title.
Although contrary to what you said, North Korea is testing missiles in recent weeks that would be able to reach the United States, and it's only a matter of years, if we don't stop them.
I recall that the missions they tested last week’s could reach Hawaii, Alaska at most, not the US mainland.
I'd start with negotiating the pullout of U.S. forces in South Korea, and encouraging self-reliant military programs by South Korea and Japan (that the U.S. could always choose to, but not be obligated to, back) along with the suggestion that Japan could be develop nukes (or possibly even suggest giving Japan nukes by the U.S. ) to defend itself from N. Korea. With the goal of getting the full attention of the Chinese, who alone have the ability to neutralize North Korea's threat peacefully, and force the North Koreans to negotiate away their nukes.
South Korea already has one of the strongest militaries in the world, however on paper North Korea’s is still stronger. I really really don’t see Japan getting nukes, it would violate to the ’45 treaty and it would really piss China off.
Again, nuclear proliferation to islamic countries is justification enough for the U.S. to war with North Korea.
The key to getting China's cooperation with the U.S. is to make it either 1) North Korea gives up its nukes, or 2) Japan as a defense against N. Korea is permitted to get nukes (which would threaten China). And China would move heaven and earth to prevent Japan getting nukes.
North Korea is a state that exists entirely at the whim of the Chinese government. All that is needed is the proper leverage to get China to pull North Korea's strings.
There already have been many incidents that would justify a war against North Korea. Doesn’t mean it’ll happen though. And let’s just say, Japan aren’t going to get nukes, it’s not going to happen.
What I mean is, take away the unconditional obligation to war that each of these alliances strangles the U.S. with, and force each of these nations to provide a larger percentage of their economy to pay for their own defense
Yes, especially