Originally Posted By: iggy
What gets me about all this is that it was just win all over the place. MOTA broke down and tendered his resignation, Sikkbones and Halo got banned, apparently, for coming to the BC forum's aid. And, the Iconoclasts threw a hissy fit and went into lock down because Pro "got into their communications network." Oh, and, the BC forum's are starting their decent into fascism just because of a little fun.

Kudos to all of you guys!

For all the kids at home reading this....we're all professionals here. We've been doing this for awhile now. Please don't try this at home or without the supervision of a Nature Boy. It's not intended for amateurs, as it can easily backfire and you lose an eye, or your nuts. Just look what happened to the inexperienced posters of the "Insurgency Board"....