List some of your favorite random movies from your personal collection...

Grosse Pointe Blank(A philosopher-hitman, Minnie Driver with a flawless American accent, Jeremy Piven and Dan Aykroyd. What more could you want in a movie?

Equilibrium(Christian Bale, Taye Diggs, Sean Bean, Sean Pertwee, and a martial arts that uses pistols like swords. That's right. Read that last bit back to yourself. Doesn't that just chub your nuts with awesome? See it.)

Red Dawn(Some might call this the height of 1980's US Cold War propaganda, and they might have a point. But, if I scream "
WOLVERINES!!" and you don't get it, then brother you have
never gotten this film. Or you haven't seen it, which is just too horrible to contemplate. Please, please do yourself and society a favor and go get this. Right. Fucking. Now. Go. GO!)

Hot Fuzz(Sure, I know Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are better known for their
Shaun of the Dead, and Pegg himself for the UK's
Spaced series. But this British parody/spoof/homage of American Hollywood buddy-cop films is sublime. Nick Frost deserves an Oscar. He steals every scene.)

The Fisher King(Robin Williams might have been the big star for this one, but Jeff Bridges absolutely steals it. His joint-smoking, ego-stroking dance number while trying to decide his catchphrase--
"Excuuuuuse meeee! Excuse ME! Ex-CUUUUSE me! Hey......HEY!!........excuse me!"--is proof he was robbed at the Oscars.)

Unbreakable(The only film M. Night Shyamalan got right. Bruce Willis at the height of his "silent acting" era. And, of course, Sam Jackson being awesome.)