After I was banned, I sent their Admin Mark Seifert playful, in-character emails every day for a solid week. He never responded, but I hope it at least made him giggle a little.

Here's one of them:


From: Beth <>
Subject: Hello Administrator Mark Seifert
Date: 06/19/2009 04:34 PM

Dear Administrator Mr. Mark Seifert,

It has come to my attention that you do not wish me to post at Bleeding Cool forums. I am thinking it is because you think I am boring and cannot add love and fun to a forum so full of love and fun already. I am very intent on telling you why that is NOT the case, and you will see that I am at least Admin-material, if not a higher position that will give me higher power to be over an Administration.

  • * #1 : My name is Ozzy Baxter. Ozzy is cool like Ozzy Osbourne and Ozzy & Harriet. Baxter is both, the name of the building the FF live in AND (!!!) the name of the paper they used to print the NEW TEEN TITANS on....Baxter Paper. How FREAKING cool is that? I ask you, really. That point should do it right there. But, since I know you are a man of great passion and smartness of intelligible thinking, I give you more.

    * #2: I love comic books and not just Mark Waid's magnificent body..........OF WORK! Ha! Ha! This is a trick double-meaning point because it shows I know comic books but am also funny with a ribald sense of being funny. I like to mow the edge, if you know what metaphor I am choking.

    * #4: "My Godliness, Oswald Baxter...what happened to #3?" You are most probably saying this out-loud to your computer screen right now and I cannot be blaming you for doing so. To answer your very real questionable curiousness, #3 was not awesome enough to hold this point, and was crushed and regenerated into #4...which is just barely holding.....OH! There it goes....

    * #5: See, #5 is now to showcase #4/#3 because it shows I can be zany and unpredictable, and I made a Dr. Who reference...which shows how versatile and varied I like to be when I write things for message boards.

After these FIVE AWESOME POINTS you are probably sweating. Maybe you feel nauseous and wish your vision wouldn't blur? I would suggest stop reading and calling a doctor right now!!! omigod hurry. It might be cyber-swine flu.

Do not worry about me, I will be sitting here hoping you are well and will be opening my registration back up so that I might post more miracles and antidotes to cancer in your forum. For I am Ozzy Baxter, and sometimes I just end my emails.