National demographics do tend to trail behind the current year. Gathering statistical demographics on 300-million-plus Americans takes some time, and is only released every few years.

It gives some idea how high a ratio of illegals Mexicans are (59%) and hispanics as a whole are (81%) that explains why there is general resentment and suspicion of hispanics among the majority of U.S. citizens.

And that doesn't even cover legaal green-card hispanic immigrants those who enable illegals. Or how illegal Mexicans affect the nation as a whole, acting against the U.S. in their own Mexican/hispanic ethnocentric self-interest.
As I said earlier, of the 1.1 million immigrants admitted and receiving green cards in 2007, 600,000 were living illegally in the U.S. already with legal-resident relatives.
As well as voting Mexicans in California and elsewhere, who lobby for open borders and welfare benefits for illegals.

But it does give an inkling to what an overwhelming percentage of the immigration problem Mexicans are.