rex, I can't be bothered to read this whole thread again and, I'm not saying I agree with everything WB has posted on it, but I'm seriously wondering: what's your position on illegal immigration and "English only" laws? Are you for them or against them and, if so, why/why not?
Everything the government is involved in should be English only. Currently we are allowing immigrants to not learn English. Its a waste of tax payer money and time. You should have to know English to drive in America. You should have to know English if you want to do anything involving the government. This is not a racial thing, its a communication thing. I think that if we made English the official language and it was enforced people on the right would have a very different out look on immigration.
I'm not saying we should force everything to be English only. Private companies should be allowed to set their own rules when it comes to communication but they should not be sued for being an English only company.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
There is ostensibly no difference between your perspective on the issue and mine, rex.
I think we should welcome anyone here, of any race, who has the potential to be a good contributing citizen to the U.S., who obeys our laws, pays taxes, completes high school and pursues higher education (or vocation), who creates business and jobs in our economy, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't use welfare, and assimilates to our english-speaking culture. I actually like the idea of requiring fluent english of anyone who works for our government.
And the relentless accusations of racism against those who support shutting out illegals and securing our borders, just demonstrates the most vile of slander tactics by pro-illegals who have no valid argument, and thus feel a need to slander those who do have a valid argument.
There is ostensibly no difference between your perspective on the issue and mine, rex.
I think we should welcome anyone here, of any race, who has the potential to be a good contributing citizen to the U.S., who obeys our laws, pays taxes, completes high school and pursues higher education (or vocation), who creates business and jobs in our economy, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't use welfare, and assimilates to our english-speaking culture. I actually like the idea of requiring fluent english of anyone who works for our government.
And the relentless accusations of racism against those who support shutting out illegals and securing our borders, just demonstrates the most vile of slander tactics by pro-illegals who have no valid argument, and thus feel a need to slander those who do.
You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that. Don't try to lump your crazy shit in with mine. You and I are nothing alike.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
There is ostensibly no difference between your perspective on the issue and mine, rex.
I think we should welcome anyone here, of any race, who has the potential to be a good contributing citizen to the U.S., who obeys our laws, pays taxes, completes high school and pursues higher education (or vocation), who creates business and jobs in our economy, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't use welfare, and assimilates to our english-speaking culture. I actually like the idea of requiring fluent english of anyone who works for our government.
And the relentless accusations of racism against those who support shutting out illegals and securing our borders, just demonstrates the most vile of slander tactics by pro-illegals who have no valid argument, and thus feel a need to slander those who do.
You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that. Don't try to lump your crazy shit in with mine. You and I are nothing alike.
What I said isn't "crazy shit". What I said is what any number of conservatives have proposed: secure the border, stop illegals coming in, and strongly punish employers of illegals, so they stop hiring illegals, then we largely won't HAVE TO round up illegals, they'll just go home.
Even the pro-amnesty crowd and the McCain-Kennedy proposed bill that was defeated expected illegals to return to their home countries and pay fines, and basically start at zero before they could be re-admitted.
My alleged "crazy shit" is pretty mainstream, despite your pathological need to paint it otherwise. Sock-fucker.
I like the ones who are here legally. I resent the ones who come here illegally, take jobs, drive down wages, and often don't even bother to learn the language, even after 8 or 10 years here. I also dislike those legal immigrants who aid or enable illegals to come here and break our laws.
As I showed statistically, immigrants from South America are more productive citizens and pursue higher education, while immigrants from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean are statistically less educated, are more often on welfare, and are more likely to be involved in gangs, crime, and end up in our prisons.
As I've said repeatedly, there are many hispanics I like, socialize with, date, and deal with on a daily basis. There are also many I resent for their abuse of our country, and their non-assimilation.
Statistically, Central America and the Caribbean immigrants are low performers, and I would prefer immigrants (whether they are from India, China, Europe, South Korea, Japan or wherever) who have statistically assimilated better over the last 40 years, don't have first loyalty to other nations, don't have a hostility toward whites, and don't have a cultural grudge against the U.S. and want to take away the U.S. southwest, as Mexicans do.
You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that.
We don't have the money or the man power to do this. We never have and we never will. We need a realistic solution.
By that logic, we might as well say sealing up the borders is unrealistic.
In the long run, the fact that they're living here is going to cost us a whole lot more than actually taking steps to get rid of them and keeping them out.
I never said anything about letting them stay. What I said was we need to stop being so accommodating to them. We need to change things within the country so that its not so easy for them to not fit in.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
I'm more than willing to have you explain how you and he differ. However, the more you post the more your positions seem very similar to his. It really comes off as you just not wanting to admit you agree with him simply because you don't like him.
Yeah, pretty much what I figured. You can't answer the question without admitting I was right so now you're pulling a MEM and pretending that an insult equals a valid argument.
So apparently, Cuban immigrants are assimilating. I was amused by how the Herald spun this as a negative thing.
To whoever wrote the article, given Miami demographics, it probably is a bad thing. Some people see assimilation as havana bad affect on one's culture.
With a mixture of humor and serious editorial, he comments on the visible decline in L.A., despite the political incorrectness in saying that, and how it negatively impacts immigrants to L.A. as well.