Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
Hal's character is too straight laced to be played by Reynolds.

i never liked the super straight laced portrayal of the character. he was just a green superman.

i prefer when they push the more daredevil (adjective, not character) persona of him being a risky pilot - mouthing off to superiors when he knows he's right, etc. more of a true WWII pilot type; ballsy and seemingly a bit crazy. much more unique characterization within the DCU, and one i can see reynolds pulling off.

more importantly, i think he's a good-enough actor and he resembles hal, and that's really all i need to know at this point to make this sound like a good fit. from this point on, it has little to do with reynolds and more to do with the story and aura of the film (lighthearted, sci-fi, dark, etc) that will determine how it plays out.

See this is what I have always said about Hal/GL.
Hal wasnt straight laced but Hal as GL was.
Hal was somewhat wild and unstable and to the point he drifted through both jobs and relationships, but once he put on the costume, he was a different person.
I always saw Hal as using the costume and ring as a way of being the good, uptight military man that he could never be as himself.
As GL he gained the respect of 3800 other GLs, and would often lead them into battle, something he would never have been able to do as plain old Hal Jordan.

Hal was seen as something of a flake, where as GL was solid.
That was why the whole Parallax thing made sense, cause he was a man of conflicting personalities.

GL was a man of honour, respect and responsibility, but Hal was full of self doubt.

Ollie brought some of the rebeliousness out of him during their time together, which sort of died off later, but would occasionally come out when he questioned the Guardians or the time he quit.

Of course, when they did Emerald Dawn, they made him kinda cocky early in his career, but everything published after that, up til Emerald twilight, never really played on that cockyness.