Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
To put something as big as a winning streak like Takers into the mix, makes you forget that you are a smart fan, and you go back to those days of your youth when you believed it was all real!
Thats when you know that WWE has done something right!

i don't really get how taker's winning streak is different from hogan's "streak" (preference and talents aside)

A 13 year plus, winning streak is quite a big deal, but its all about how its hyped, and WWE is not shy of hyping it!

no no, i get that, and i do agree they're hyping it well.

what i don't understand is how fans get tired with hogan's victories because "he always wins and wrestlemania", but then those same fans support undertaker in essentially the same fashion.

is the difference more than just "i like undertaker more than hogan (or goldberg, to a lesser extent)"?

We are talking one match a year, in which the last few years have actually looked like he might lose (Orton, Michaels, Edge).
In the build up to those matches, he has tended to be beaten more than he wins.

Taker outside of WM probably loses more matches than Hogan has ever done.

Lets face it, he even suffered the indignity of being "knocked out" by Big Show on more than one occasion.