That's excellent booking and talent to the wrestlers involved when you know that the Rock has to go over but you start thinking that Huckster might do it.
What other times you can you think of this happening?
aww, you guys love hogan, too
i actually had a very similar reaction to the hogan/warrior match. same kinda hope during, same kinda letdown after. granted, i was like 10 or 11 at the time, but it was still the same type of thrill ride match. i watched it recently, and it really doesn't hold up very well at all (not true of the rock/hogan match, which i think still plays great 7 years later) but at the time i remember thinking the hogan/warrior match was so very awesome, and could have gone either way.
That's excellent booking and talent to the wrestlers involved when you know that the Rock has to go over but you start thinking that Huckster might do it.
What other times you can you think of this happening?
aww, you guys love hogan, too
i actually had a very similar reaction to the hogan/warrior match. same kinda hope during, same kinda letdown after. granted, i was like 10 or 11 at the time, but it was still the same type of thrill ride match. i watched it recently, and it really doesn't hold up very well at all (not true of the rock/hogan match, which i think still plays great 7 years later) but at the time i remember thinking the hogan/warrior match was so very awesome, and could have gone either way.
my two favorite hogan matches are hogan losses!
Your example brings up another question as to which to categorise the match - was it a match that you had no idea who would go over or was it a match that you knew who would win but begun to doubt yourself because of the booking?
When we first watched that match as kids, I think it was probably safe to say, we had no idea who would win.
Watching it now, it would make sense to think that Warrior go over but half way through you do have to ask yourself again, if you might be right!
You love those Hogan matches because Hogan really milks the crowd - I thibk he went a bit over the top with the Rock! Offering the Rock his shaking hand...., I didn't know Hogan had epilepsy!
Warriors and Macho Mans retirement match was also the latter, it made sense that the Warrior would go over but after all those flying elbows!
By the time Hogan/Warrior came around I was tired of Hogan always winning, I hoped Warrior would win but had a sinking feeling wouldn't, I was very glad when he did!
Another question - what matches did you watch, that you had absolutely no idea who was going to win?
I think one of the big ones that I had no idea who would win was the Taker/Orton WM match. Normally, when you see a match at WM inolving Taker, you almost always know he is gonna win. There might be small doubts, like this years one against Michaels, but you generally know they aint gonna take away his winning streak.
The year he faced Orton though, many people thought that Orton would get the win. He was at an early stage of his huge push, and it seemed that the biggest thing WWE could do to get him over huge as a heel and main eventer, would be to have him finally stop the winning streak.
Right up to the end of the match, nobody knew who was gonna win that one, and I think the biggest swerve was that Taker actually won.
I think when Arn put the spine buster on Taker at WM I briefly had flash backs to how the Horsemen would screw over a face and steal the win. I thought for a few moments they might let Flair win.
That was also one of the most awesome moments ever, Arn had been out so long and the spine buster was perfect.
I think one of the big ones that I had no idea who would win was the Taker/Orton WM match. Normally, when you see a match at WM inolving Taker, you almost always know he is gonna win. There might be small doubts, like this years one against Michaels, but you generally know they aint gonna take away his winning streak.
The year he faced Orton though, many people thought that Orton would get the win. He was at an early stage of his huge push, and it seemed that the biggest thing WWE could do to get him over huge as a heel and main eventer, would be to have him finally stop the winning streak.
Right up to the end of the match, nobody knew who was gonna win that one, and I think the biggest swerve was that Taker actually won.
Excellent example!
It made sense for Orton to win - he's the legend killer! I was on the edge of my seat willing Taker to win.
The Shawn Michaels/Taker match falls into the other catgory for me - I went into watching that match thinking Taker was going to win but as it went on, they pulled it off so well that I begun to have my doubts as to Taker winning!
I think when Arn put the spine buster on Taker at WM I briefly had flash backs to how the Horsemen would screw over a face and steal the win. I thought for a few moments they might let Flair win.
...and the weren't really bigging up Takers winning streak so much back then either, so it could have gone either way!
Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
That was also one of the most awesome moments ever, Arn had been out so long and the spine buster was perfect.
I think thats one of the keys to making you give a damn about a match. When I started watching WWE heavily about 9 or 10 years ago, there was a heavy reliance on unknown jobbers. Even jobbers like Scotty Too Hotty and Funaki were getting wins cause they were facing unknown indy workers.
It gave you no incentive to get involved in the match, cause you basically knew the outcome.
As time has worn on, WWE has tended to switch to having more "in house" jobbers, which spiced things up a small amount because there was the odd occasion when a Scotty, Venis or Funaki would pick up a win against the odds.
To get people fully involved in a match you need known names and you need to know that there is a chance that either man could win.
To put something as big as a winning streak like Takers into the mix, makes you forget that you are a smart fan, and you go back to those days of your youth when you believed it was all real! Thats when you know that WWE has done something right!
This what is aggravating to me about turds like Benoit being cried about not being included in top ten lists. Arn Anderson is likely the greatest wrestler ever to not get regularly mentioned in a top ten list. Unlike Benoit he could walk the walk and talk!
To put something as big as a winning streak like Takers into the mix, makes you forget that you are a smart fan, and you go back to those days of your youth when you believed it was all real! Thats when you know that WWE has done something right!
i don't really get how taker's winning streak is different from hogan's "streak" (preference and talents aside)
I think when Arn put the spine buster on Taker at WM I briefly had flash backs to how the Horsemen would screw over a face and steal the win. I thought for a few moments they might let Flair win.
That was also one of the most awesome moments ever, Arn had been out so long and the spine buster was perfect.
i vaguely recall a similar arm "return" towards the end of wcw. he had long since been removed to the back, in an occasionally on-camera, backstage role. but something brought him to the ring for one nitro or a ppv. i dont really remember what, but he was in street clothes, and looked awesome in action.
To put something as big as a winning streak like Takers into the mix, makes you forget that you are a smart fan, and you go back to those days of your youth when you believed it was all real! Thats when you know that WWE has done something right!
i don't really get how taker's winning streak is different from hogan's "streak" (preference and talents aside)
A 13 year plus, winning streak is quite a big deal, but its all about how its hyped, and WWE is not shy of hyping it!
To put something as big as a winning streak like Takers into the mix, makes you forget that you are a smart fan, and you go back to those days of your youth when you believed it was all real! Thats when you know that WWE has done something right!
i don't really get how taker's winning streak is different from hogan's "streak" (preference and talents aside)
A 13 year plus, winning streak is quite a big deal, but its all about how its hyped, and WWE is not shy of hyping it!
no no, i get that, and i do agree they're hyping it well.
what i don't understand is how fans get tired with hogan's victories because "he always wins and wrestlemania", but then those same fans support undertaker in essentially the same fashion.
is the difference more than just "i like undertaker more than hogan (or goldberg, to a lesser extent)"?
I think when Arn put the spine buster on Taker at WM I briefly had flash backs to how the Horsemen would screw over a face and steal the win. I thought for a few moments they might let Flair win.
That was also one of the most awesome moments ever, Arn had been out so long and the spine buster was perfect.
i vaguely recall a similar arm "return" towards the end of wcw. he had long since been removed to the back, in an occasionally on-camera, backstage role. but something brought him to the ring for one nitro or a ppv. i dont really remember what, but he was in street clothes, and looked awesome in action.
To put something as big as a winning streak like Takers into the mix, makes you forget that you are a smart fan, and you go back to those days of your youth when you believed it was all real! Thats when you know that WWE has done something right!
i don't really get how taker's winning streak is different from hogan's "streak" (preference and talents aside)
A 13 year plus, winning streak is quite a big deal, but its all about how its hyped, and WWE is not shy of hyping it!
no no, i get that, and i do agree they're hyping it well.
what i don't understand is how fans get tired with hogan's victories because "he always wins and wrestlemania", but then those same fans support undertaker in essentially the same fashion.
is the difference more than just "i like undertaker more than hogan (or goldberg, to a lesser extent)"?
We are talking one match a year, in which the last few years have actually looked like he might lose (Orton, Michaels, Edge). In the build up to those matches, he has tended to be beaten more than he wins.
Taker outside of WM probably loses more matches than Hogan has ever done.
Lets face it, he even suffered the indignity of being "knocked out" by Big Show on more than one occasion.
We are talking one match a year, in which the last few years have actually looked like he might lose (Orton, Michaels, Edge). In the build up to those matches, he has tended to be beaten more than he wins.
Taker outside of WM probably loses more matches than Hogan has ever done.
Lets face it, he even suffered the indignity of being "knocked out" by Big Show on more than one occasion.
i dunno, to me, the formula is mostly the same.
the storyline always was hogan lost the matches (PPV or otherwise) leading up to wrestlemania, to play up the rocky-story revenge.
taker gets beat up or knocked out prior to mania, comes in and cleans house.
I watched that Wrestlemania with the group at my friends' house. Once this match started I was talking about how sweet it would be if there was a Horsemen reunion, mid-match. My other friends aren't really wrestling fans, so they kinda just nodded their heads at me. As the match went on, I changed my tune to just asking for an Arn appearance. "How fucking sweet would it be if Arn rolled in and dropped 'Taker with a spinebuster???" Just before Arn appeared, one of my friends finally asked, "Dude, what's so great about Arn Anderson doing a spinebuster?"
Arn hit that move, textbook, and I jumped out of my seat, cheering and shouting. The rest of that match, for me, was an afterthought. Finally, 'Taker won the match and rolled out of the ring. I sat down, trying to catch my my breath, and the friend that asked the question looked at me and said, "I get it. That was awesome!"
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
no no, i get that, and i do agree they're hyping it well.
what i don't understand is how fans get tired with hogan's victories because "he always wins and wrestlemania", but then those same fans support undertaker in essentially the same fashion.
is the difference more than just "i like undertaker more than hogan (or goldberg, to a lesser extent)"?
Kampsnarf, please.
hogan had a 6/7 years winning streak in almost ALL of his PPV/Special event appearences...., with the same match!
Normal people, got bored of seeing is lack of moves, his beatdown and then Hulk out. If he had added something to the mix from time to time but the lazy fucker didn't.
The Taker Wrestlemania winning streak is completely different to this and Goldberg winning streak.
As Nowhereman says, Taker still loses matches and has probably lost more matches in the last few years than hogan has in his whole career!
This what is aggravating to me about turds like Benoit being cried about not being included in top ten lists. Arn Anderson is likely the greatest wrestler ever to not get regularly mentioned in a top ten list. Unlike Benoit he could walk the walk and talk!
It's a shame when you look at Arns facts and figures, titles, et- it doesn't seem much.
But we were lucky to have seen him in action.
I think a lot of wrestlers don;t have the legacy they deserve.
Tully Blanchard was another superb wrestler that doesn't get half the credit he deserves.
Malenko is there also but not as high as Arn or Tully.
I watched that Wrestlemania with the group at my friends' house. Once this match started I was talking about how sweet it would be if there was a Horsemen reunion, mid-match. My other friends aren't really wrestling fans, so they kinda just nodded their heads at me. As the match went on, I changed my tune to just asking for an Arn appearance. "How fucking sweet would it be if Arn rolled in and dropped 'Taker with a spinebuster???" Just before Arn appeared, one of my friends finally asked, "Dude, what's so great about Arn Anderson doing a spinebuster?"
Arn hit that move, textbook, and I jumped out of my seat, cheering and shouting. The rest of that match, for me, was an afterthought. Finally, 'Taker won the match and rolled out of the ring. I sat down, trying to catch my my breath, and the friend that asked the question looked at me and said, "I get it. That was awesome!"
No one can do the spindebuster like Arn.
The first time I really recall that move was at the survivor series 89, Arn pins Shawn Michaels with it.
It just looks like all the wind is taken out of his opponent.
Here's one for Snarf - hhh does the Gayest Spinebuster ever!
no no, i get that, and i do agree they're hyping it well.
what i don't understand is how fans get tired with hogan's victories because "he always wins and wrestlemania", but then those same fans support undertaker in essentially the same fashion.
is the difference more than just "i like undertaker more than hogan (or goldberg, to a lesser extent)"?
Kampsnarf, please.
hogan had a 6/7 years winning streak in almost ALL of his PPV/Special event appearences...., with the same match!
Normal people, got bored of seeing is lack of moves, his beatdown and then Hulk out. If he had added something to the mix from time to time but the lazy fucker didn't.
The Taker Wrestlemania winning streak is completely different to this and Goldberg winning streak.
As Nowhereman says, Taker still loses matches and has probably lost more matches in the last few years than hogan has in his whole career!
Plus Taker is a much better worker.
And hogan is gay.
I think thats the biggest difference of all, the way they work and their gimmick.
Takers gimmick has always been kind of intimidating and hard to beat, yet seems to spend a lot of time being beaten, whereas Hogan always likes to be pushed as being great, even though he isnt, works a match where he gets beaten, Hulks up and then wins. On top of that, the times he does lose, he nearly always had to be cheated out of the win in some way!
On top of everything else, Taker works to make both parties look as good as possible in a match, Hogan doesnt even bother working to make himself look good.
Takers matches have variety, and in a some of the recent matches, he has still looked to be somewhat the underdog, and has only just squeaked out a win rather than just "clearing house" as Rob suggests.
Another factor in Takers favour over Goldturd and Hogan is that his streak isnt full of wins against jobbers!
I watched that Wrestlemania with the group at my friends' house. Once this match started I was talking about how sweet it would be if there was a Horsemen reunion, mid-match. My other friends aren't really wrestling fans, so they kinda just nodded their heads at me. As the match went on, I changed my tune to just asking for an Arn appearance. "How fucking sweet would it be if Arn rolled in and dropped 'Taker with a spinebuster???" Just before Arn appeared, one of my friends finally asked, "Dude, what's so great about Arn Anderson doing a spinebuster?"
Arn hit that move, textbook, and I jumped out of my seat, cheering and shouting. The rest of that match, for me, was an afterthought. Finally, 'Taker won the match and rolled out of the ring. I sat down, trying to catch my my breath, and the friend that asked the question looked at me and said, "I get it. That was awesome!"
No one can do the spindebuster like Arn.
The first time I really recall that move was at the survivor series 89, Arn pins Shawn Michaels with it.
It just looks like all the wind is taken out of his opponent.
Here's one for Snarf - hhh does the Gayest Spinebuster ever!
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Shatistas spinebuster should be awesome but even Edges spear looks better!
I never understood why Edge chose to do this move! It looks silly whenever he does it to anyone bigger than Rey Mysterio! Edge is just to lean to make it look good.
Arn was really underappreciated for much of his career. I think that's in part because he spent so much time in tag teams, he never really made a run at the top tier singles titles. also, because he wasn't flashy. he and Tully were truly one of the all time great tag teams.
Shatistas spinebuster should be awesome but even Edges spear looks better!
I never understood why Edge chose to do this move! It looks silly whenever he does it to anyone bigger than Rey Mysterio! Edge is just to lean to make it look good.
I never really thought Edges spears were that bad. I know they were never as good as Rhinos variation, but its far from the worst I have seen. I think one of the reasons I think it doesn look bad is that a lot of the people he has used it on really know how to sell it.
Now if you really want to see a spear that makes Batistas look like gold, then look at Big Shows. Fuck knows why he has started doing it recently.
Arn was really underappreciated for much of his career. I think that's in part because he spent so much time in tag teams, he never really made a run at the top tier singles titles. also, because he wasn't flashy. he and Tully were truly one of the all time great tag teams.
I think Arn has suffered from what so many people suffer from when they work primarily in a tag team enviroment where someone else is the "front man", if you will.
Flair pretty much dominated the Horsemen in most promos, and was a key focus in the ring as well, so people tended to overlook Arn.