Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
most people want a government health care option.

At the same time, the majority of Americans say they are satisfied with their own health care plans.

That poll is a couple of years old.

Polls these days show different results...

It's bad enough you don't read anyone else's posts before you post but you ought to at least read your own sources first.

Your own source supports what I said. In regard to my point that most people are actually happy with their own health care, the article you cited states:
  • Many Americans are concerned that their own health care may be compromised if the government is involved

Clearly, if Americans were unhappy with their own health care plans, that wouldn't be a concern now.

And in regard to my point that Americans support reform only if it leads to reduced costs and greater efficiencies, the poll states:

  • Most also think the government would do a better job than private industry at keeping down costs ... and while they are generally willing to pay more in taxes for universal coverage, that support drops when dollar amounts are mentioned.

As noted above, the support for Obama's plan is based on a premise that it would improve things when the CBO has indicated that it would not. And, in fact, another poll demonstrates that support for the Obama plan is continuing to erode as more and more information comes out:
  • a new Washington/Post ABC News poll finds that only 49 percent of Americans approve of his handling of health care, compared to 44 percent who disapprove. By comparison, back in April, the same poll found 57 percent approval to 29 percent disapproval. In other words, over the past three months, as Obama consistently pounded on the drum for health care legislation, his net approval on the issue has shrunken dramatically. And if you look deeper into the numbers, it gets even worse for Obama, because those who now strongly disapprove of his handling of health care outnumber those who strongly approve 28 percent to 22 percent.