I am reminded of a couple more situations of jackassery. a few months back, I was at a convenience store, heckling Blackwulf for still being a clerk when two guys walked in. one guy starts asking for money for something or other. we both just look at each other and roll our eyes. the guy starts flipping out and screaming "Do I look a bum? Do I look a bum? Look at me, man! Do I look a bum?" Dude was wearing a wifebeater and sweatpants hanging down past his boxers and no shoes. Yes, yes, you do look a bum. How about getting dressed before you leave the house next time.
late last year, this new guy at work who'd only been around a few days or so and was working another job as well was going around asking people for 20 bucks for gas money. he asked me and I told him to see if one of the managers would advance him some cash from his paycheck (if you're working two jobs, why do you need to bum gas money from people?). he left after that and was never seen again. I found out the next day he'd borrowed about 80 bucks from various people. Jackassery.