Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Actually, I'm pretty sure that HBO cancelled Rome precisely because it was so expensive to produce (however, I don't know why they didn't realize that--as with everything in Nowie's version of Hollywood--it would magically turn a profit through DVD sales). Same with Carnivale. So I don't know if they'd be interested in a Watchmen mini.

You are retarded.
Do you think DVD sales dont make profit?
Go back and look at those figures, not your magical "it needs to do twice its budget to turn a profit".
Fact is, if the budget for Watchmen was $100mil and its already done $7mil more than that, DVD sales WILL up the profits. (plus the overseas, which no matter who distributes it, Warners get a cut of).

Simple fact is, do you think that films like the already mentioned Blade Runner and Blues brothers have not now made a profit with all the DVD/VHS sales and tv showings.

You live in a fantasy world that says that if something does more than its budget, no matter how small, it hasnt made a profit.

Its simple math.
If you buy something for a dollar and sell it for five dollars, you have made a profit.
If you sell it for $5.01, you have still made a profit, albeit a smaller one.

As basams has said, the line you continually quote about a film needing to make double its budget to turn a profit, has been proven a lie in court.
Or are you suggesting that courts are shit, and so are the people who practice their job in them?