I was talking to this cute, married girl, and managed to get her phone number. I'm not sure if I should be proud or disappointed with myself.
Okay, this has got to be a joke. You're stealing a page from Pariah's playbook* by starting a thread to which people will feel compelled to respond. In your case, you're doing it for the attention. That's what this is, right? Because if you're asking this question seriously, then you're a bigger fucking idiot than the combined stupidity of the Iconolasts. That you "managed" to get the phone number of a "cute, married girl" suggests:
1) You knew she was married
2) You went for the digits anyways
Which is a scumbag move. I agree with Uschi's comments and would add one of my own. If you call her in hopes of kindling some kind of physical relationship, I hope she gives you a VD, breaks your heart, and then tells her husband and he puts a dent in the side of your big bald head. Smarten up, Snarf, and don't be that fucking guy.
* That comment was made with no disrespect meant to Pariah.