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Yeah, but you're an idiot.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

there is an organized effort to lie and intimidate others going on I want to know about it. That's what I want caught.

You're going to hear this a lot from him. The newest DNC talking point (seriously) is that there is yet another "vast right wing conspiracy" of potential terrorists out to "lie and intimidate" people in order to oppose Obama.

The Weekly Standard has a great piece exposing this latest version of the "if you're not with Obama you're a potential terrorist/cockroach/racist/bigot/etc. The whole conspiracy theory is based on, get this, a memo written by the leader of an obscure grassroots organization with something like---OOH SCARY--thirty members:
  • Right Principles PAC was formed by Bob MacGuffie and four friends in 2008, and has taken in a whopping $5,017 and disbursed $1,777, according to its FEC filing.

    "We're just trying to shake this state up and make a difference up here," MacGuffie told me during a telephone interview. He's surprised at his elevation to national rabble-rouser by the Left.

    Right Principles has a Facebook group with 23 members and a Twitter account with five followers. MacGuffie describes himself as an "opponent of leftist thinking in America," and told me he's "never pulled a lever" for a Republican or Democrat on a federal level. Yet this Connecticut libertarian's influence over a national, orchestrated Republican health-care push-back is strong, indeed, if you listen to liberal pundits and the Democratic National Committee, who have crafted a nefarious web out of refutable evidence.

    Think Progress highlighted his memo's directives to "‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’," calling it a "right-wing harassment strategy against Dems." The blog falsely connected MacGuffie to the national conservative group FreedomWorks through the most tenuous of threads. The Think Progress link that purports to establish MacGuffie as a FreedomWorks "volunteer" leads to his one blog posting on a Tea Party website (on the free social networking site, Think Progress calls Tea Party Patriots a "FreedomWorks website."

    The problem is it's not a FreedomWorks site, according to FreedomWorks spokesman Adam Brandon. FreedomWorks is a "coalition partner" of, but does not fund the site in any way.

Wow. A 'vast right conspiracy' that could fit comfortably in a public school classroom. Thank goodness Obama and Homeland Security are fixing to shut them down.

Conservatives --and any other independent thinkers-- are the scapegoated Jews in Obama's Germany.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Yeah, but I'm an idiot.

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Aren't you in the middle of a free speech hissy fit?

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Aren't you in the middle of a free speech hissy fit?

Off-topic blather.

Just shut up, Rex. The grown-ups are talking.

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Or what?

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Or what?

Or you'll make even more an idiot of yourself.

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Is that even possible at this point?

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g-tards unite!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Chilling Effect Doctrine: That could apply to a political party organizing dissruptive mobs to scare and shout down people.

Leave Barack Alone! Democrats play the victim.
  • A telling video clip of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.) on MSNBC’s “Hardball” has been making the rounds:
    So all of this is a diversion by the people who want to, frankly, hurt President Obama. You’ve heard the Republican senator Jim DeMint say it: Let’s make this “Obama’s Waterloo, let’s break him. That’s what this is about....

    It reminds us of those hilarious “Leave Britney alone!” videos that were the rage on YouTube a couple of years back. How exactly does Boxer expect this to persuade anyone to support the legislation? Just imagine the thought process: I don’t want higher taxes and government rationing of medical care. But doggone it, I’m for it anyway, because I don’t want to hurt the president!

Goddam Wall Street Journal stole MY joke.

The editorial goes on to say:
  • Boxer is not alone in this...The Democratic National Committee has an ad out that strikes a similar note:
    Narrator: The right-wing extremist Republican base is back.

    Crackpot at town meeting: He is not an American citizen!

    The ad does not identify the congressman whose town meeting was disrupted by the birther crackpot. It was Rep. Michael Castle of Delaware, a Republican. So the DNC expects us to believe that the RNC has “called out the mob” against its own members!

Brilliant, Zick. Just brilliant.

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Senator Dick Durbin, repeating the Obama mantra to silence all dissent: anyone who disagrees with Obama is Republican-manufactured "astroturf", not actual honest and widespread dissent.

There are similar remarks by Sen. Barbara Boxer, and several other high-level DNC slanderers as well.

The Left-Wing attack machine.

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Extremists fighting extremists. This should end well.

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Obama in his own words : His goal is a single-payer system, that will drive private insurance out of business. Contrary to what Obama normally says, alleging a single payer system is not his goal.

When in truth (opposite what Obama tells the American people) his goal is to crush all private health insurance, that will be unable to compete with a vastly cheaper state-run single-payer healthcare system. And as planned by Obama, private insurance will gradually be run out of business over "10, 15, maybe 20 years".

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Union Thugs Block Protesters From Kathy Castor(D-FL 12) Town Hall Meeting
  • “I was one of the first people in the forum.

    When I entered the room, HALF of the seats were already filled by easily identifable ACORN, SEIU, and local Dems. In fact, the president of the Hillsborough Democrats was there letting people in through a side door.

    Anyway, I was one of the first people there and half of the 220 seats were already filled by these pro-Obama and Organizing for America (OFA) people.

    By some accounts, 1000 people were outside wanting to get in for their voices to be heard. They were denied.

    The Union Goons Attack video features a man who was denied entrance into the townhall. He was promptly roughed-up by 4 SEIU union guys. He has scratches on his chest and his shirt is ripped.”

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It's sad that the left doesn't want opposing voices heard, but it is nice to see people finally standing up for what is right. I think this power grab by the socialist may wake up a sleeping giant.

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The White House strategy of turning supporters into snitches when they see "fishy" information about the health care debate may run afoul of the law, legal experts say.

"The White House is in bit of a conundrum because of this privacy statute that prohibits the White House from collecting data and storing it on people who disagree with it," Judge Andrew Napolitano, a FOX News analyst, said Friday.

"There's also a statute that requires the White House to retain all communications that it receives. It can't try to rewrite history by pretending it didn't receive anything," he said.

"If the White House deletes anything, it violates one statute. If the White House collects data on the free speech, it violates another statute."

Napolitano was referring to the Privacy Act of 1974, which was passed after the Nixon administration used federal agencies to illegally investigate individuals for political purposes. Enacted after Richard Nixon's resignation in the Watergate scandal, the statute generally prohibits any federal agency from maintaining records on individuals exercising their right to free speech.

The White House has been under fire since it posted a blog on Tuesday that asked supporters to e-mail any "fishy" information seen on the Web or received electronically to

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there," the blog said, adding that "since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help."

The blog was posted partly in response to a video posted on the Web that claimed to show Obama explaining how his health care reform plans eventually will eliminate private insurance.

The video, featured on the Drudge Report, strung together selected Obama statements that the White House said were taken out of context.

The White House said it wanted to be made aware of "fishy" comments about its health care plan because it wants to set the record straight. But critics called White House move an Orwellian tactic designed to control the health care debate.

"This is a very troubling attempt to stifle the free speech of Americans who have the constitutional right to express their opinion and concerns about health care," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice. He called on Obama to repudiate his blog.

"This move is an attempt to intimidate those who have legitimate concerns about the health care plan," Sekulow said. "And, worse, it turns the White House into some sort of self-appointed 'speech police.' This new White House reporting program strikes at the heart of the First Amendment and has no place in this important debate about health care."

Sekulow said he imagines that opponents of mandatory abortion coverage are engaging in what the White House considers "fishy" speech and should be reported.

"What the White House is touting is absurd," he said.

But Napolitano said the White House probably cannot be sued because of sovereign immunity, unless someone was harmed by what the government did with the records. But that's unlikely, he said, because the person would probably be unaware of the harm.

"That's a silent violation of your right to privacy," he said.

The White House Thursday denied that it was playing "Big Brother."

"Nobody is collecting names," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. "We have seen, and as I've discussed from this podium, a lot of misinformation around health care reform, a lot of it spread, I think, purposefully."

Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who has called on Obama to end the program, rejected the White House explanation.

"Of course the White House is collecting names," he said, arguing that anyone with access to the e-mail account has access to private information.

"The question is not what the White House is doing, but how and why," he said. "How are they purging names and e-mail addresses from this account to protect privacy? Why do they need the forwarded e-mails, names, and 'casual conversations' sent to them instead of just the arguments that they want to rebut?

Asked by FOX News whether the White House was using the blog post as a way to expand the e-mail list for the administration and Obama's political arm, Organizing for America, Gibbs said the two are "not in any way connected" and repeated that the White House is not collecting names.

Pressed about the program's goal, Gibbs said it was to clarify for everybody what the misinformation is, adding that's not a new tactic.

"When you make a mistake in your report, sometimes I e-mail you," Gibbs said to FOX News' Major Garrett. "Occasionally, I call. Sometimes I just throw something against the wall. Occasionally, it's all three."

Garrett asked why it's necessary to ask so many people to e-mail the White House.

"All we're asking people to do is, if they're confused about what health care reform is going to mean to them, we're happy to help clear that up for them. Nobody's keeping anybody's names. I do have your e-mail. ...Maybe that's because I assume future mistakes. But I'm not going to say that," Gibbs said, drawing laughter.

"But nobody's collecting information," he added. "Everybody is trying to give people only the facts around what we all understand is a very complicated issue."

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White House Vows to Defend Democrats on Health Reform, Will 'Punch Back Twice as Hard'

So...I guess the union thugs were just following orders from on high.

But, seriously, the DNC is already trying to use this as an example of how opponents of heath care are "out of control" and, presumably, need to be investigated. So expect MEM to come along tonight and parrot that talking point.

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Funny. I was just going to post this and you beat me to it. Good show, sir.

 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber

  • The White House strategy of turning supporters into snitches when they see "fishy" information about the health care debate may run afoul of the law, legal experts say.

    "The White House is in bit of a conundrum because of this privacy statute that prohibits the White House from collecting data and storing it on people who disagree with it," Judge Andrew Napolitano, a FOX News analyst, said Friday.

    "There's also a statute that requires the White House to retain all communications that it receives. It can't try to rewrite history by pretending it didn't receive anything," he said.

    "If the White House deletes anything, it violates one statute. If the White House collects data on the free speech, it violates another statute."

    Napolitano was referring to the Privacy Act of 1974, which was passed after the Nixon administration used federal agencies to illegally investigate individuals for political purposes. Enacted after Richard Nixon's resignation in the Watergate scandal, the statute generally prohibits any federal agency from maintaining records on individuals exercising their right to free speech.

    The White House has been under fire since it posted a blog on Tuesday that asked supporters to e-mail any "fishy" information seen on the Web or received electronically to called White House move an Orwellian tactic designed to control the health care debate.

    "This is a very troubling attempt to stifle the free speech of Americans who have the constitutional right to express their opinion and concerns about health care," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice. He called on Obama to repudiate his blog.

    "This move is an attempt to intimidate those who have legitimate concerns about the health care plan," Sekulow said. "And, worse, it turns the White House into some sort of self-appointed 'speech police.' This new White House reporting program strikes at the heart of the First Amendment and has no place in this important debate about health care."

Remember a few days ago, MEM trying to say that there was nothing illegal about this.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

Remember a few days ago, MEM trying to say that there was nothing illegal about this.

As long as there isn't an enemies list (right wing wacko talking point) being used I would think they would be safe. Otherewise anyone could essentially make the White House break the law by sending an e-mail to it. At some point (for normal people) reason comes into play.

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violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

the DNC is already trying to use this as an example of how opponents of heath care are "out of control" and, presumably, need to be investigated. So expect MEM to come along tonight and parrot that talking point.

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Phony protests? Did you even watch the clip?

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

the DNC is already trying to use this as an example of how opponents of heath care are "out of control" and, presumably, need to be investigated. So expect MEM to come along tonight and parrot that talking point.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug. Are you making these websites just to quote them?

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G-man of course has a bent view on this where the angry mob shouting and pounding to shut down an event are the victims. If one side can't be reasonable maybe the dems just need to take their bruises and pass some good health care reform that the country (minus the fringe) will support.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug.

Fair play!
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 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug. Are you making these websites just to quote them?

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 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug. Are you making these websites just to quote them?

I saw what G-man linked to and thought nobody would be retarded enough to have a problem with one blog over the other. I was wrong.

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I'm not defending g-mans copy and paste. I've said before how stupid it is to run to someone else to speak for you. Its not my fault all of you are so weak minded you can't even put a sentence together to defend your views.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug. Are you making these websites just to quote them?

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See? How could anyone agree with someone that stupid?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Chilling Effect ...That could apply to a political party organizing dissruptive mobs to scare and shout down people.

Dear MoveOn member,

Can you join a Town Hall Meeting on health care with Rep. Eric Massa

We need to make sure Rep. Massa hears from constituents that we're
counting on him to fight for health care reform with a real public health
insurance option that will expand coverage and bring down costs for all of

The Town Hall is tonight at 7:30 p.m. and the more of us who attend, the
more likely we'll be to get our message across.

Here are the details:

What: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with Rep. Eric Massa
When: Thursday, August 6th at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Mendon Community Center, 167 N. Main St, Honeoye Falls, NY

Click here to RSVP:

Yes, I'll attend the Town Hall tonight at 7:30.

Sorry, I can't make it.

This is a critical month for President Obama's agenda. Corporate lobbyists
are trying to weaken or kill both his energy and health care plans. MoveOn
members from across the district are participating in this event as part
of MoveOn's "Heat Up Congress" campaign to fight back.

And recently we've seen a trend that makes it even more important for us
to speak out. Right-wing opponents of President Obama's agenda have been
flooding town halls and other public events--and they're even using
fraudulent tactics, like bringing in people who don't even live in the
district.1 We urgently need to make sure everyday constituents are heard
in the public debate over health care--and this Town Hall Meeting is a
timely and easy way to do that.

Thanks, and we hope you can make it.

--Nita, Anna, Lenore, Ilya and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million
members--no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
I'm not defending g-mans copy and paste. I've said before how stupid it is to run to someone else to speak for you. Its not my fault all of you are so weak minded you can't even put a sentence together to defend your views.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
I'm not defending g-mans copy and paste. I've said before how stupid it is to run to someone else to speak for you. Its not my fault all of you are so weak minded you can't even put a sentence together to defend your views.

When it comes to reporting what happened at an event like this townhall it can't just be all opinion. I posted what happened at the event and followed that up with my opinion.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I posted what happened at the event

You were at the event?

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I posted what happened at the event

You were at the event?

Considering the uptick in conservatives going nuts I just won't provide personal information like that ;\)

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I posted what happened at the event

You were at the event?

Considering the uptick in conservatives going nuts I just won't provide personal information like that ;\)

Translation. No, you weren't.

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....Close to 1,500 people came to the Tampa suburb of Ybor City to speak with Democratic State Rep. Betty Reed and U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, an event that exploded into a near riot.

According to local media reports, the larger-than-expected crowd gathered outside the Hillsborough County Children's Board building, where several hundred people, most of whom opposed a government health care plan, began to loudly chant and scuffle with organizers posted at doorways after the auditorium filled to capacity.

A freelance videographer was roughed up in an altercation, which damaged his camera equipment and glasses, and at least one man was treated for minor injuries after a scuffle left his shirt partially torn from his body.

"That's the most violent anyone has been towards me," Mark Bishop told WTSP-TV. "It was surprising, to say the least."

The people pounding on the windows and trying to force their way into a building filled to capacity are not the victims here. They're thugs who didn't want debate but to shut the debate down.

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MEM I know your a liberal but surely you can't support these protesters being physically attacked for speaking their minds can you?

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