Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
violent-right-wing Town Hall Mob: Linked With Group Promoted by Glenn Beck
August 7, 2009
(ChattahBox)—An angry mob of near-rioting right-wing protesters overwhelmed a Tampa, Florida Democratic town hall Thursday night organized to discuss health reform, requiring dozens of police officers to control the unruly crowd. Many of the protesters were members of a right-wing Conservative activist group, called Tampa 912 that’s promoted by Conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Other members of the right-wing mob were encouraged to protest the town hall by an email blast sent out by the Hillsborough Republican party, which provided the right-wing protesters with “talking points” to challenge health reform supporters. The result was over one thousand angry protesters showing up ready for a fight and armed with racist signs of President Obama, for a town hall event in a room that would only hold about 250 people.

Violent scuffles broke out in the angry crowd outside and inside the town hall event.

When the doors to the town hall, attended by U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, (D) Fla., were shut after the room became filled well beyond its capacity, the angry protesters began pounding on the doors and windows, chanting in loud angry voices, “You work for us,” “Hear our voice,” “Why are you shutting the Doors?,” “We can’t hear You,” “It’s a Public Event,” “Open the Doors.” One man was seen whacking the closed door with his cane.

Inside was not any calmer. The angry protesters who made it inside, shouted down Rep. Castor as she tried to answer their questions shouting, “Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!,” according to the St. Petersburg Times.

The right-wing protesters roundly booed Castor when she said; “There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it.” The angry protesters then started shouting, “Tell the truth! Tell the truth!” “Read the bill!” “Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!”

Castor was nonplussed, noting the dire need for health reform in our country. “The insurance industry and … Republican activists are manufacturing a lot of these phony protests,” said Castor. State Democratic chairwoman Karen Thurman said, the angry mob of protesters were “…extreme ideologues, only interested in ‘breaking’ the president and thwarting the change Americans voted for last November.”

Some of the unruly protesters carried signs depicting President Obama as a Joker and a Socialist, with other signs against government run health care. As noted by Rep. Castor, many of these confused and angry protesters would have opposed Medicare and Social Security, as well.

Disagreement and asking tough questions are one thing but trying to shout down everyone else is just being a thug.

http://www.chattahbox.com? Are you making these websites just to quote them?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.