I fully enjoyed this, tbh. I mean, I steeled myself against the cheese by watching old eps of the cartoon all week before going.

Sienna nailed it as Baroness (despite the lack of accent...although, I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing), so that made me willing to forgive a tonne of flaws. Seeing your favorite character done justice covers a lot of evils.

I didn't mind Tatum as Duke...but I already liked him for reasons most of you don't much notice (hahaha), and I was never fond of Duke as a character.

The only real GLARING miscast in my head (other than Ripcord...but I really couldn't give a rats ass about the character) was Hawk. I dislike Quaid, and he fully didn't fit the role in my head. He and what's his fuck (dude from Encino Man) didn't belong on the set.

All told though, I liked it. I'll be going to see it again this weekend.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!