Originally Posted By: PCG342
But. I'm not a virgin?

Your land lord doesn't count
Or single...

prove it
Or bald...

your curly amish hair is just as bad
And I don't have a vagina shaved into my chin...

If you were old enough to grow a chin bush, you would
And I didn't get fired from my inventory job at GameStop.

you work at fucking walmart. Being fired from gamestop would be a step up
And I'm not incapable of counting...

you think three doors down is "classic" that means you are incapable of knowing what good music is and that it isn't old enough to be considered classic even if it was good.
And I don't own a single Hawaiian shirt...

we've all seen your hat. it isn't better than a hawaiian shirt
and I don't do karaoke...

you let jesus rape you and still your bike. Thats just as bad.
Do I REALLY need to go on?

no, you've already make yourself look as bad as possible. At least you have tried suicide yet....

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.