HERC Reviews Tonight’s ANGEL!!Angel 3.1 FAQ
What’s it called?
The big news?
3.1 is one of those “Angel” episodes with a big shocker ending.
Does the shocker ending involve Buffy or the other scoobs?
It does not.
What did Herc say about “Angel” 3.1 way back on July 15 again?
¤ Darla’s back. At least in flashbacks.
¤ At least one flashback finds Angel and Darla in 1767 Marseilles, fleeing from Holtz. (As Moriarty and Bosshog mentioned in this space earlier, Holtz’s family was killed by Angelus, and the wronged man will this season find his way into the 21st century in his quest for vengeance.)
¤ At the time of the Marseilles flashback, Holtz is already being described as “the most formidable vampire killer in the world.”
¤ The 18th century Darla and Angel will cavort with a heretofore unseen vampire couple, a kind of proto-Spike-and-Dru named James and Elisabeth. (Not, vexingly, James and Juliet.)
¤ Holtz was the unseen fellow chasing Angel and Darla in a flashback in last season’s “Dear Boy.” Elisabeth brings up the incident from the “Dear Boy” flashback, asking Angel if it was true Darla fled a barn in which Angel and Darla were trapped, leaving Angel to die. Angel confirms the incident with fondness: “She hit me with a shovel, wished me luck and rode off with our only horse.”
¤ Elisabeth dies by Angel’s hand.
¤ Holtz isn't the only one to turn up in the present. James gets to spend time with Angel and Cordy on the L.A. subway!
¤ In the present, James tells Angel he wishes he could kill Angel’s true love, as Angel killed James’. Angel replies, “You can’t kill the woman I love because she’s already dead.” Cordy adds, “It happened three months ago, we try not to talk about it.”
¤ Don’t expect James to survive the season premiere.
Did Herc’s sources get it right?
They did!
What does TV Guide say?
After a turbulent summer spent coping with the news of Buffy's death, Angel (David Boreanaz) returns to L.A. in the third-season opener only to run into a couple of nasty blasts from his tarnished past. While out on a routine vamp hunt, Angel happens to dust a bloodsucker (Kate Norby) from his evil Angelus days. Familiar or not, one less demon on the streets is always a good thing. Unfortunately, her boyfriend (Ron Melendez) of a couple of centuries doesn't share that sentiment---and he's prepared to take drastic measures to exact revenge. Fred: Amy Acker.
What kind of drastic measures?
James, the boyfriend, has surgery that makes him immune to things like sunlight and stakes.
Yikes! Why doesn’t every vampire have this surgery?
Because there’s a catch.
What’s this episode really about?
Angel coming to grips with Buffy’s death.
Is Buffy’s death discussed directly this episode?
Is Buffy mentioned by name?
Do we meet Holtz?
We do.
Do we see Holtz in the present?
No. Only in flashback.
Do we see Darla in the present?
Is Darla in Los Angeles?
She’s in Puerto Cabazas, Nicaragua.
Is she still hanging out with Dru?
Dru does not appear in this episode.
What’s up with Cordelia?
When she’s not commiserating with Angel over Buffy, she’s complaining about the growing intensity of her “gift.” “These visions are killing me,” she moans. “They’re getting worse every time.” We also learn that Dennis the ghost has taken to scrubbing Cordy’s naked bod when she’s bathes!
What’s up with Fred?
She’s still traumatized from her long stay in Pylea, and has pretty much holed up in one of the hotel rooms these last three months.
What’s up with Wes and Gunn?
They visit Krevlornswath (of the Deathwok Clan) at Caritas.
Is “Angel” really being broadcast in letterbox now?
It is, and it looks great!
Is this the “Angel” with the big, new “Lord of the Rings” trailer?
It is.
Have you seen this trailer?
I have not.
What’s good?
The boyfriend’s vengeful plotting, as well as what we get to learn about Darla and Holtz.
What’s not so good?
All the dialogue with James and Angel about true love seemed a little repetitive and banal to my ears. On the other hand, there’s not that much of it.
Herc’s rating for “Angel” 3.1?
The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
***** better than we deserve
**** better than most motion pictures
*** actually worth your valuable time
** as horrible as most stuff on TV
* makes you quietly pray for bulletins
Swing the crebbil! Swing the crebbil!
I am – Hercules!!