Everyone around here seems to pick one of the same two stories to beg for money. They either have a sick family member in a neighboring city, and they need gas money, or they have no food for their kids or themselves.

Two of the most notable moments of jackassery happened within the past few months. The first wasn't for money; a guy noticed a pack of cigarettes in my shirt pocket and asked if I had one to spare. I hand him one, and offer to let him use my lighter. Instead, he asks if I could let him have three or four more cigarettes. The hell?
The second is slightly more idiotic and less jackass-y. I was on my way out of work, and a woman pulls up to the sidewalk in front of the store, and starts asking if any of us could help her. Assuming she needed directions, we ask what she needs. Sick daughter in nearby city, no gas money, blah blah twenty bucks. We all say we don't have any money, and she starts driving her truck around the parking lot, stopping to ask anyone else she spots for money. Until she runs into a pole and speeds out of the parking lot.
Who the hell DRIVES around saying they need gas money?!

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People