Songs that used to work for me (remember, all lists are time sensitive, and depend alot on what the current "thing" is) were:

"Christian Woman" and "Black Number One" by Type O Negative- for a short period of time, I frequented some "Goth" hangouts, and pretended to be all brooding and shit. I picked up a few goth chicks using these numbers.

"Tuesday's Gone" by Lynyrd Skynyrd- yes, it is a common fact that me and bsams grew up in the sticks, and from time to time, I'll make a reappearence in one of the ol' hang-outs, usually some redneck bar located somewhere in B.F.E. (or, "Bum Fucked Egypt", to the layman). And one thing abouts us easily entertained hillfolk, we loves us some southern rock. I've scored a few chicks with it.

But there is one end-all, be-all all-purpose song that will work in any type of establishment....and that song is

"Love is Strong" by the Rolling Stones

This song has never failed me. And it seems that it fits in at any kind of bar or it redneck, dance, heavy metal, or just a plain bar.