
The owner of a car dealership in Wheat Ridge is defending his new billboard that has drawn large amounts of criticism for its anti-Obama messages.

The large sign outside Wolf Automotive, near Interstate 70 and Kipling, shows two caricatures of President Obama, one in which he's wearing a turban. It reads "President or Jihad?"

The billboard also urges Obama to prove he's an American with the words "Birth Certificate" and "Prove It." At the bottom is the message "Wake up America! Remember Ft. Hood!"

On Saturday Phil Wolf let a CBS4 crew in the business to listen to the plethora of phone calls -- both in support and against -- that they've been getting about the billboard. He said some of the calls have included threats to his employees.

"Our service manager was threatened to put a bullet in his head," said Wolf, who says he has no immediate plans to take the billboard down and claims he has a large amount of support.

Below are a sample of some of the calls that came in while CBS4 was there:

"I think it's the most racist, disgusting thing I've ever seen in my entire life on a billboard. You should be ashamed of yourself," one male caller said.

"I hope you never sell another car and I hope you go bankrupt," a woman said.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for being one heck of an American," a male caller said.

"I just wanted to give you a call and say 'Way to go.' I love it," another man said.

Wolf believes Barack Obama has not proven he was born in the country as is required to become president. Hawaiian officials have said Obama was born there.

A birth certificate, widely posted on the Internet, is what many believe is the proof. But some don't think it's real, and won't until Obama himself holds up his certificate.

"Just show a piece of paper, like the rest of us have to," Wolf said.

Maggie Couch was outside the dealership on Saturday urging a boycott and holding up signs.

"This display of hatred and lies hurts me. It hurts our country," she said.

In explanation of his inclusion of a reference to the Fort Hood shootings and "Jihad," Wolf said he thinks the president is soft on terrorism.

"You've got an enemy within our military ranks. Where else are enemies implanted at?" he said.

Couch said she thinks you can't "blame every lunatic action on our president."

Wolf said he isn't a racist and that callers who are accusing him of it have no grounds.

"My write-in candidate was Alan Keyes, and I married an Hispanic woman, so don't come to me with racism," he said. Keyes is a conservative political activist and African-American.

Police said during the day on Saturday a man threw a wooden pallet at some women who were outside protesting the billboard. He was charged with criminal mischief and disorderly conduct.

The Denver Post reported that Wolf's sign has drawn criticism from the Anti-Defamation League and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.