Battlebowl 91
Yes. I remember getting excited about the concept, less so viewing it in actuality!
I still think that the final should have been a match between the finalists.
I've read rumors that the Lethal Lottery was actually a lottery, Rhodes actually didn't book the teams in advance, leaving it to chance which would explain how bad thses matches all were. Whether or not this is true, we can't be sure but as I said, looking at the Lethal Lottery matches and the actual Battlebowl, it doesn't seem a stretch!
The Bowl itself appears to be a logistical nightmare - how did they think they were going to be able to film this thing? The longshots of the 2 rings make it hard to see the action. The rules aren't really explained - when thrown into the second ring, can you return to the other ring?
Also, I don't know whether to blame the wrestlers or the bookers but quite a few of them don't seem to understand the rules either, with wreslers dumping each other the side instead of the other ring.
Something I can blame the booker for, is that it doesn't flow smoothly like the Royal Rumble usually does! In the Royal Rumble, everyone knows who they are going to eliminate, In the Battlebowl this doesn't appear to be the case with a lot of the guys looking at each other gormlessly, waiting for the other to do something.
Having said that, it does get quite exciting with the final 10 men.
Although the final is ruined slightly with Luger be caught calling out the next move a few times!
Stunning Steve Austin Vs Dustin Rhodes US Title 2/3 Fall match
Good match but never really took off!
Fascinating result. I remember Austin winning but completely forgetting how. Austin wins the first fall by DQ, which typically tips you off that the heel will win the match! What I didn't see coming was that Austin won the next fall a few minutes later, making it a 2 straight fall win! I actually can't remember ever seeing a 2 straight fall win!
More to come(Monday!)