“I am very sorry to report that the the rest of the databases seems to be in nearly as poor as state as Australia was … Aarrggghhh! There truly is no end in sight … We can have a proper result, but only by including a load of garbage!”

A load of garbage is exactly right.

That quote is from leaked e-mails written by some the world’s leading climate scientists — the Globaloney hoaxsters who cooked the data, stifled dissent and manipulated the facts to support their shrill Chicken Little fire alarms about the end of the world.

So why would otherwise respected scientists risk everything to perpetrate such dishonesty? Two reasons I can think of:

1. They are ideologues who will do anything in the name of their misguided cause, even if it means personal risk. It’s similar to the way the Obama administration has shot itself in the foot politically to put terrorists on trial in New York City: almost suicidal stupidity, motivated by self-righteous zealotry. Ditto for the keepers of the global warming mythology. The e-mails show just how warped they were. Some show a creepy glee over the death of one of their critics; others show how they tried to destroy evidence of their fraud and muzzle and discredit scientists who questioned their rigged data. Yet others show how one researcher spent three years trying to reconcile their reports with reality and finally quit in disgust because he was unable to find any consistent and reliable thread of reality. It takes a certifiable ideologue to distort the truth that way.

2. Money. A column in the Wall Street Journal today calls attention to the billions in grants that have been awarded to climate scientists to “prove” global warming and spread the panic.

From Bret Stephens column, “Climategate: Follow the money”:

“Why did the money pour in so quickly? Because the climate alarm kept ringing so loudly: The louder the alarm, the greater the sums. And who better to ring it that Mr. (Phil) Jones, one of its likeliest beneficiaries.”

Jones is the director of the Climate Research Unit in England where the e-mails were leaked, and was author of many of the incimrinating messages. He and others now claim the messages were “taken out of context” — the modern “last refuge of a scoundrel who has been quoted accurately.” The fact is, the context is all too extensive. Thousands of e-mails are a smoking cannon, complete with the fingerprints of Al Gore’s “End is Near” acolytes.

But here’s the puzzling part: How is it that a bigger fraud than Hitler’s diaries has been completely missed by most of the media? You will look in vain to find honest reporting about it in most newspapers or on the TV network news. They are heavily invested in the stock of global warming — with decades of hyperventilating headlines. They cannot admit the theory is bankrupt, and that annual reports by the UN and the climate “researchers” have been rigged like Bernie Madoff’s portfolio.

So I give the media this week’s Sgt Schultz “I See Nothing” Award.

For the truth, check out another column in today’s WSJ: “The Climate Science Isn’t Settled,” by MIT professor of meteorology Richard Lindzen, a longtime critic of global warming. Among other things, he says that “confident predictions of catastrophe are unwarranted” and “at this point there is no basis for alarm.”

He calls the globaloney stew of overcooked data “the grossest of bait-and-switch scams.” And he backs it up with real science.

You can find that kind of criticism on the op-ed page of the editorially conservative Wall Street Journal — but practically nowhere else besides talk radio and Fox News.

And they wonder why circulation and ratings for the liberal media are in steep decline. Maybe they can blame it on global warming?