As we all know, the AP put 11 fact checkers on Palin's autobiography but only two on Obama's healthcare plan.

Nambla Zick rationalized this by claiming it was a timing issue, to wit, that there was limited time to get the story out and it was a hot topic:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Palin's a hot topic and they put some resources into her book to fact check it quickly but comparing the short term allocations to long term ones is deceptive. It's ignoring the actual number of man hours put into each. The 2 reporters assigned to the health care bill will still be covering it while the 11 fact checkers were on that for how long? Probably less than a day.


Last night, as we all know, the President gave a "major speech" on the Afghanistan war, the lead-up to which dominated the news for several days.

The very next day, the AP did one of their "fact check" pieces on the speech.

Guess how many reporters they assigned to the "hot topic."

Eleven? Ten? Nine?

Nope. two, just like their healthcare story.

 Originally Posted By: Nambla Zick
