I think Foley is the only wrestler we really disagree on. I used to not rate him highly at all. He seemed like an out of shape guy with marginal skill. I remember when he left WCW he said he would never go to the WWE and be a part of McMahons traveling circus, he referenced all the cheesy gimmicks. About two months later he announced he was going to the WWF and they started airing those cheesy Mankind promos.
Mick apparently decided to keep his Indy bookings before his debut. I went to a match in a small town near here. Cactus Jack vs Abdullah the Butcher was the main event. A crowd of 120 was on hand. I expected Abdullah to be a slow old man, and Mick to play it safe since he was going to the big leagues.
I couldn't have been more wrong. They tore the place down. Fighting on top of the high school bleachers, rolling down the bleachers, going into the street. they wrestled for 25 minutes. one of the best live matches i ever saw.
I think from watching him up close I realized he was a out of shape wrestler with marginal technical skill, but he really had a way with pulling the crowd in, building the match, and getting the crowd to pop. a lot of that is lost on 5 minute tv matches.