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#1094765 2009-11-27 12:17 AM
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Couldn't be bothered to look up the old thread.

Finally got this for a few squid!

Totally worthless 50 minute documentary that doesn't know what it's about.

What is interesting is that the matches included are supposed to be the 25 best, most influential, voted by the fans, matches of Starcade History and it's in numerical order! There's a nice touch that each match is introduced by somebody different, sometimes one of the participants of the match! I watched the first four matches!


Hogan/Piper from 96

Total piece of shit. I've only seen this once before, when it first aired. The only thing I got from this match when I first saw it was that I thought Hogan was going to win. Watching this match again and knowing the result I could look at other things. It was a shitfest but it was interesting to remember how hot WCW was back then with the fans going mental for the whole match. Only other interesting point is a fan jumping the barrier - the ref tries to kick the shit out of the poor halfwit!


Sting Vs Muta from 89

I loved the concept of this Starrcade and hoped to see more PPVs like this! Whilst not handled that well, a round-robin tournament of 4 great wrestlers would be superb to watch!

Whilst the final results were good, there were a few problems! Jobbing Muta out, Lugers sloppiness.

The actual match was quite good but ruined because Muta had been beaten for the first time on TV in WCW earlier that evening by Flair in under a minute!

Good match but surely not good enough to be on the list?


Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas Vs Windham & Pillman for Unified Tag belts

Interesting one this. I had forgotten how athletic Douglas was although I did not forget how he was not at all over - which is a bit unfair as he was solid in this match! However, Man of the Match goes to Windham, he was bumping like a bastard! Strangely, the worse performance was Steamboats - he must have been having a bad day.


Goldberg Vs Nash from 98

Remember seeing this when it aired and having a worrying feeling that Nash was going over! Only one person worse going over Goldberg would have been Hogan.

I was not looking forward to re-watching this match but it was actually pretty good...., up until the end. There were some strong exchanges, Nash could work when motivated.

One of the few things interesting about the documentary is that they make mention of this match with Jim Ross saying it was wrong for Goldberg to end his unbeaten winning streak just yet but Arn Anderson saying that he should have lost a match long before this bout.

More to come!

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btw on Nash, I think as you say when he is motivated he could work decent. He has charisma when he feels like using it and it translates well to wrestling. His problem I think is he really despises wrestling but cant turn down the paycheck.

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Sadly Scott Hall could have been the greatest ever if he wasnt a drunk!

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Sting and Muta was rushed...weird ending.

Have to disagree about the tag match...maybe because I went into that one with very low expectations. I really liked that one.

The theme of that DVD was funny...some of the "big names" (Hogan, Goldberg, Piper, Nash) put on the worst matches. Malenko, Eddie, the crusierweights, etc were far more entertaining.

By the way, was anyone else disappointed in the Warriors/Steiners match? That one really sucked.

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 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Sadly Scott Hall could have been the greatest ever if he wasnt a drunk!

We've talked about this before!

Hall defintiely never reached his full potential!

One of the greatest wrestlers(all round - in ring, mic) never to hold a World Title.

Rick Rude and Barry Windham are 2 others, I don't recognise the so called titles that they won in the mid 90s!

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 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

Have to disagree about the tag match...maybe because I went into that one with very low expectations. I really liked that one.

It was a great match and Windham, Pillman and even Douglas were excellent in it, Steamboat not so much! If Steamboat is in a match, you'd expect him to be top dog!

It's the best match so far!

I will watch the rest of the DVD over the weekend - I'm too busy watching porn at the moment!

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 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
I had forgotten how athletic Douglas was

Never forget.

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I'm, admittedly, a little partial but I think the Magnum/Blanchard I Quit is still the best match on the DVD. The other best are Flair v Race, Road Warriors v Arn and Tully, and Guerrero v Malenko.

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...and how sexy!

Let's see what you guys can do on those boards!

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Battlebowl 91

Yes. I remember getting excited about the concept, less so viewing it in actuality!

I still think that the final should have been a match between the finalists.

I've read rumors that the Lethal Lottery was actually a lottery, Rhodes actually didn't book the teams in advance, leaving it to chance which would explain how bad thses matches all were. Whether or not this is true, we can't be sure but as I said, looking at the Lethal Lottery matches and the actual Battlebowl, it doesn't seem a stretch!

The Bowl itself appears to be a logistical nightmare - how did they think they were going to be able to film this thing? The longshots of the 2 rings make it hard to see the action. The rules aren't really explained - when thrown into the second ring, can you return to the other ring?

Also, I don't know whether to blame the wrestlers or the bookers but quite a few of them don't seem to understand the rules either, with wreslers dumping each other the side instead of the other ring.

Something I can blame the booker for, is that it doesn't flow smoothly like the Royal Rumble usually does! In the Royal Rumble, everyone knows who they are going to eliminate, In the Battlebowl this doesn't appear to be the case with a lot of the guys looking at each other gormlessly, waiting for the other to do something.

Having said that, it does get quite exciting with the final 10 men.

Although the final is ruined slightly with Luger be caught calling out the next move a few times!


Stunning Steve Austin Vs Dustin Rhodes US Title 2/3 Fall match

Good match but never really took off!

Fascinating result. I remember Austin winning but completely forgetting how. Austin wins the first fall by DQ, which typically tips you off that the heel will win the match! What I didn't see coming was that Austin won the next fall a few minutes later, making it a 2 straight fall win! I actually can't remember ever seeing a 2 straight fall win!

More to come(Monday!)

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don't have this yet, but Piper/Hogan is on the Piper dvd, and I have a vhs of starrcade 93 which has the Austin/Duston US title match.

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I don't think I'd bother getting it, Darling Grimmybaby!

What do you think about the matches already mentioned?

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I want to get it, though. I got the WCW dvd and actually enjoyed most of it.

ahh, let me see. . .

Hogan/Piper, I think I've said before, horrible match but the ending was great. it was just too bad it wasn't a title match.

Sting/Muta, weird blowoff to a great feud that had run since the summer. I remember watching this play out and interweave with Flair/Funk. really fun stuff and good memories for me. I believe Muta was on his way out of WCW which is why he was jobbed out. sucks, but that's the way the business generally is/was.

Steamboat/Douglas vs. Pillman/Windham, I really don't remember much about right now. I do remember the tv interview where Windham kayfabe put Austin and Pillman together as a tag team.

Lethal Lottery, I think you're right when you say the early Lotteries were done legit with no pre planned teams. I think it hurt the concept early on as it didn't give any drama to the concept or the storylines. you can look at later Lotteries/Battlebowls from the Bischoff era and see where they learned from that and maybe went a little too far in the other direction at times. too much "oh, these men who hate each other must now team up!" but I digress. . .

Austin/Dustin, yeah, good stuff and I was also surprised to see Austin take it two straight falls. they always had this weird pseudo push thing going with Austin where they'd push him a little bit, then kinda pull back on it. I remember seeing them go at it in WWF just a few years later, the New Year's Raw I think where Austin shoved him in the port a john and just marveling at the differences in each's character.

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It's probably worth about 10 bucks but no more! As I said, the documentary is shite and some of the matches chosen, suspect!

Back to the list.


Road Warriors Vs Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson from 1987

Now this is what I'm talking about! Even though the Horsemen showed little offence, it was a great match up until the Dusty finish. I remember getting bored quite quickly of the Road Warriors domination over other teams but Horsemen take it to new levels with their bumping. This match is also introduced my Tully Blanchard.


Jushin Liger Vs Rey Misterio from 1996

Solid match. Some superb spots but by no means a classic! Dusty Rhodes commentary seems to annoy Heenan & Schiavane at times, with them totally ignoring him.


Rock N Rolls Vs Midnights on a scaffold at 1987

Makes a change to see the scaffold match instead of the Road Warriors/Midnights! As solid as one of these matches goes. Interesting to see how uncomfortable Ricky Morton is up on the scaffold - the others don't seen to care too much! Big Bubba looked real young!


Flair Vs Luger from 1988

Good match, I sure everyone was geared to Luger finally winning the title in this match. Luger looks in tremendous condition. It's a good thing that he didn't win the title because after a while, he started to repeat his moves, even threepeating them, looking at a loss of what to do next - He never could work a match well! Good finish.


Eddie Guerrero Vs Otani from 1995

This was part of the World cup series, USA Vs Japan. Superb match, even though there was no real backstory between the 2, they did have a heated match

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Sting & Dusty Rhodes Vs The Road Warriors from 88

Bad finish which ruins the match. Dusty looks real half-arsed, leaving Sting to do everything. Obviously this is put on there because of who is wrestling, as a match it's shitarse!


Sting Vs Vader King of Cable Match from 92

Great heavy hitting match - the way the ring shakes everytime Vader slams Sting or Vader hits canvas! Vaders forearms look superb - gayboy cena should look at some tapes! Why did the WWF lose interest in this guy?


Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood Vs The Briscoes from 83

Bit disappointed because I saw this very recently on the WWE DVD Wrestling families. The Briscoes are excellent heels - I would love to see more of their matches. Solid match.


Dusty Rhodes Vs Ric Flair from 85

I have great difficulty viewing Rhodes matches knowing he was the booker! Was he really that popular? It doesn't sound it! And he just doesn't look like World Championship material. Does anyone know if he ever drew as Champion in matches with wrestlers other than Flair! I think he probably worked best as the guy chasing the title.


Eddie Guerrero Vs Dean Malenko from 97

QUALITY! A blend of new style and old school - High flying meeting psychology. I've always liked Eddie and Dean, rating the quite similarly but Eddie is the superior wrestler in this match but this is probably because he is working heel - blocking the referee, hiding behind the referee, working Deanos leg! Some vicious looking dropkicks to the face from both parties! This is one of those rare matches that comes to a natural conclusion! This is the sort of Match Liger and Mysterio should have had but then they had the problem that neither of them were heels. Eddie really was the superior worker out of Liger, Malenko & Mysterio - he was just as comfortable working face as he was heel, Liger and Rey seem only able to work face and Malenko heel!

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Steiners Vs Road Warriors from 1989

Yeah. Historic at the time, seeing two face teams go at it, even though you were more likely to see this happen in NWA/WCW rather than the WWF! This was a wasted opportunity but then they only had 15 minutes to work it and they had both worked a match earlier. Having said that, they did get it right with the Steiners Vs Sting & luger and the Doom/Horsemen feud a few years later. Maybe a better end would have been some heel interferring rather than the double pin belly to back suplex scenario - I think this was one of the first times I personally saw this finish, even though I know it had been used countless times in the past.


3 Count Vs Jung Dragons Vs Noble/Karagias from 2000

Spotfest. Don't remember seeing this having finally turned my head away from the car crash WCW had become. Whilst not bad, I've never been into severe gimicked matches like this.


Sting Vs Flair from 1989

Good match! Stings first pinfall win over Flair and better than Stings title victory over Flair a few months later, although essentially the same match! The last big match these guys had was a time limit draw and Flair was heel, they were both faces here. Another reason I really liked NWA in this period was because the World Title scene was white hot! I couldn't see nobody beating Hogan in the WWF but in the NWA, Flair had just fended off Steamboat and Funk, Luger was always on the scene and now here comes Sting!


Dog Collar Match Roddy Piper Vs Greg Valentine from 1983

A classic and one of the first matches I ever saw on bootleg. I think Valentines exchanges look more brutal than Pipers. Roddys ear looks fucked. You know, I didn't even realise this was a non-title match - Greg was US Champ.


Scaffold match - Road Warriors Vs Midnights from 1986

This old chestnut! Nowhereman and I talked about the repeating of matches on different dvds and how it can not be helped at times but this has been on a numbers of releases! It's as good as these sorts of matches can get but I think it's way too dangerous for the wrestler with too littler a pay off! Most of you know that Jim Cornette fucked himself up by falling from the scaffold. Hawk or Animal had a busted foot or leg before this match! But did you know that the reason the Road Warriors/Powers of Pain feud was cut so short was because the POP were scheduled to meet the RWs in scaffold matches but didn't fancy it much and left for the WWF!

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Sting Vs Cunt from 1997

Where to begin with this? After masterfully building up the return of Sting, WCW royally fuck up his come back match!

I think Sting should have be allowed to have had the match Goldberg had with Hogan a few years later - having most of the offence and then beating the twat in under 10 minutes!

Hogan had been protrayed as a coward since turning heel but in this match he was all over Sting, getting most of the offence.

But the real shitcunt of this match is the result, It get's restarted after Hogan gets the pin. Apparently NWO ref Nick Patrick was supposed to do a quick count but did a regular count, so Hogan won fair and square! I don't know who to blame! I feel Sting had been wrestling long enough to know when to take matters into his own hands, being a suck-dick company man isn't always the best thing to be. He should have insisted on having more offence, or maybe even shooting on Hogan a little, lets face it, I don't believe Hogan to be a real tough guy. But most importantly, when the ref counted 2, slowly, Sting should have kicked out regardless.

So what we got was a complete wasted build up of Sting and introduction of Bret Hart, who looked a right wanker for trying to restart the match even though Horan won in the middle of the ring.

If it was Hogan who booked the match, then he is truly the cunt of cunts. Ruining the runs of what could have been 2 of the biggest faces in WCW at the time.

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Flair Vs Harley Race from 1983

This match has dated and the camera work is very bad, which is to be expected. As much as I am a fan of both wrestlers, I don;t feel they put in their best performances.


Tully Blanchard Vs Magnum TA from 1985

Match introduced by Tully, who funnily says that he didn't actually say I Quit! Fantastic Match! This has not dated at all. Only problem though is that Is this match has been on quite a few dvds, so I've seen it many times. Tully is a truly superb worker, I would have loved to have seen Tully and Flair go at it in their primes, that would have been so cool but it would have to be Heel Vs Heel - I don't want flair being a face. I used to always thing Arn Anderson was the superior of the two but I have since reconsidered.

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 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
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 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY

Tully Blanchard Vs Magnum TA from 1985[/b]

Match introduced by Tully, who funnily says that he didn't actually say I Quit! Fantastic Match! This has not dated at all. Only problem though is that Is this match has been on quite a few dvds, so I've seen it many times. Tully is a truly superb worker, I would have loved to have seen Tully and Flair go at it in their primes, that would have been so cool but it would have to be Heel Vs Heel - I don't want flair being a face. I used to always thing Arn Anderson was the superior of the two but I have since reconsidered.

I saw this match a couple years ago, you are correct it hasn't aged! I find Magnums work flat sometimes but Tully pulled him through it. If this was on a PPV today it would steal the show. If I was Dixie Carter (or Vince), I would hire Tully and Arn and every wrestler would go through a training with them.

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 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber

I saw this match a couple years ago, you are correct it hasn't aged! I find Magnums work flat sometimes but Tully pulled him through it. If this was on a PPV today it would steal the show. If I was Dixie Carter (or Vince), I would hire Tully and Arn and every wrestler would go through a training with them.

It was pretty shitty what happened with Blanchard leaving the WWF and not making it back to WCW.

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Flair Vs Vader from 1993

On viewing this when it originally happened, I found it very exciting, although I thought the Flair retirement stipulation was overkill and revealed the result. If they had not added it, then I would have been certain that Vader would win or Flair might have got a count out/disqualification victory - it would have been an utter surprise to see Flair win! On viewing this match again, which I haven't seen since it was originally on, I found it somewhat disappointing. Their styles just didn't mesh and considering they were both excellent workers at the time, it's a bit strange that they didn't have a better match.

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 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY

Sting Vs Cunt from 1997

Where to begin with this? After masterfully building up the return of Sting, WCW royally fuck up his come back match!

I think Sting should have be allowed to have had the match Goldberg had with Hogan a few years later - having most of the offence and then beating the twat in under 10 minutes!

Hogan had been protrayed as a coward since turning heel but in this match he was all over Sting, getting most of the offence.

But the real shitcunt of this match is the result, It get's restarted after Hogan gets the pin. Apparently NWO ref Nick Patrick was supposed to do a quick count but did a regular count, so Hogan won fair and square! I don't know who to blame! I feel Sting had been wrestling long enough to know when to take matters into his own hands, being a suck-dick company man isn't always the best thing to be. He should have insisted on having more offence, or maybe even shooting on Hogan a little, lets face it, I don't believe Hogan to be a real tough guy. But most importantly, when the ref counted 2, slowly, Sting should have kicked out regardless.

So what we got was a complete wasted build up of Sting and introduction of Bret Hart, who looked a right wanker for trying to restart the match even though Horan won in the middle of the ring.

If it was Hogan who booked the match, then he is truly the cunt of cunts. Ruining the runs of what could have been 2 of the biggest faces in WCW at the time.

Hogan's creative control clause completely destroyed this match. way to ruin a year and a half long buildup, cuntface!

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Don't forget, he also ruined Bret Harts introduction!

I still think Sting should have had the balls to kick out at Nick Patricks slow count!

What happened to Sting after this? He had a rematch were he beat Hogan but the match had no heat and then lost the title fairly soon after to Randy Savage!

Back to the upper mid-card for you, Stinger!

Though hindsight is a fine thing, if Sting had stood his ground, he could have quite easily been punished and jobbed out to Disco Inferno!

So, do you think The Cunt deliberately sabotaged Hart in this match? Remember there was mention of problems between them because Hogan wouldn't put Bret over for the WWF title 14(?) years earlier?

This got me thinking how out of touch Hogan was - even by the mid 90s! Why would he rather put over a lardarse(yokozuna) than an athlete(Hart)?

80s cunt!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!
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Hogan was politicking and sabotaging during his whole WCW run. he started with Flair, destroyed Vader's heat, then moved on to Sting, Hart, etc. I seem to recall hearing about guys like Rude and possibly Orndorff refusing to wrestle Hogan due to his treatment of them when they were in Mahon land with him, as well.

I'm pretty sure it was at this point that Sting just threw his hands up and stopped giving a shit.

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