Steiners Vs Road Warriors from 1989

Yeah. Historic at the time, seeing two face teams go at it, even though you were more likely to see this happen in NWA/WCW rather than the WWF! This was a wasted opportunity but then they only had 15 minutes to work it and they had both worked a match earlier. Having said that, they did get it right with the Steiners Vs Sting & luger and the Doom/Horsemen feud a few years later. Maybe a better end would have been some heel interferring rather than the double pin belly to back suplex scenario - I think this was one of the first times I personally saw this finish, even though I know it had been used countless times in the past.


3 Count Vs Jung Dragons Vs Noble/Karagias from 2000

Spotfest. Don't remember seeing this having finally turned my head away from the car crash WCW had become. Whilst not bad, I've never been into severe gimicked matches like this.


Sting Vs Flair from 1989

Good match! Stings first pinfall win over Flair and better than Stings title victory over Flair a few months later, although essentially the same match! The last big match these guys had was a time limit draw and Flair was heel, they were both faces here. Another reason I really liked NWA in this period was because the World Title scene was white hot! I couldn't see nobody beating Hogan in the WWF but in the NWA, Flair had just fended off Steamboat and Funk, Luger was always on the scene and now here comes Sting!


Dog Collar Match Roddy Piper Vs Greg Valentine from 1983

A classic and one of the first matches I ever saw on bootleg. I think Valentines exchanges look more brutal than Pipers. Roddys ear looks fucked. You know, I didn't even realise this was a non-title match - Greg was US Champ.


Scaffold match - Road Warriors Vs Midnights from 1986

This old chestnut! Nowhereman and I talked about the repeating of matches on different dvds and how it can not be helped at times but this has been on a numbers of releases! It's as good as these sorts of matches can get but I think it's way too dangerous for the wrestler with too littler a pay off! Most of you know that Jim Cornette fucked himself up by falling from the scaffold. Hawk or Animal had a busted foot or leg before this match! But did you know that the reason the Road Warriors/Powers of Pain feud was cut so short was because the POP were scheduled to meet the RWs in scaffold matches but didn't fancy it much and left for the WWF!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!